
Plastic Free July

Small steps make a big difference

Plastic Free July coffee cupFrom humble beginnings in 2011, Plastic Free July has become an annual month of global change, where individuals, communities and organisations come together to take action to reduce plastic waste. Over the last 5 years, participants have collectively avoided 10 billion kgs of waste, that's more than the combined weight of 55,000 blue whales!

Every small step we take to avoid single-use plastic can make a big difference towards:

  • Protecting the ocean
  • Reducing consumption and production
  • Avoiding landfill waste
  • Connecting communities for a world without plastic waste

Plastic Free July water bottleAs an official Council Member, we are actively supporting our community to choose to refuse single-use plastics directly as well as pledging to make a difference by banning single-use plastics from Council events, hosting plastic waste reduction workshops, and supporting local cafes to reduce plastics through Responsible Cafes.

Getting started is as easy as choosing one single-use plastic item to avoid or swap for a reusable alternative. Check out the Action Picker to browse some popular ideas and make your pledge!

Get involved

  1. Register for the challenge. Participants receive weekly tips to help them to keep motivated, and enjoy stories from others around the world who are reducing plastic waste
  2. Take the Pesky Plastics Quiz to find what plastics you can change
  3. Check out what others do
  4. Come along to any or all our waste events throughout the month. All events are free, bookings are required for workshops.
  5. Download the Plastic Free July® Calendar 31 Days of Ideas (PDF 3.7MB)

Plastic Free July cutleryPlastic Free July Events

For more information and free resources, head to the Plastic Free July website, a great place to get inspiration and support, and to share your tips, ideas and experiences.