A-Z waste and recycling guide
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-V | W-X | Y-Z |
Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre (only available to Hornsby Shire residents), Bulky Waste Collection, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Red lid garbage bin, Bulky Waste Collection, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre, NSW EPAChemical CleanOut, External Waste Management Centre, Battery World, Repco
Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre, Officeworks
Bulky Waste Collection, Scrap metal recycler, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
- Trays - Yellow lid recycling bin
- Foil packets - Red lid garbage bin
Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre, Yellow lid recycling bin, Second hand book stores, Household Recycling Drop Off
Leave on bottle - Yellow lid recycling bin
Remove from bottle - Yellow lid recycling bin
Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre, Beaumont Road Mt Ku-ring-gai drop off point, Household Recycling Drop Off
Scrap metal recyclers
Large quantities - External Waste Management Centre
Red lid garbage bin, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Bulky Waste Collection, External Waste Management Centre, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Green lid Garden Organics Bin (cut tree to fit in bin), Chipping Day
Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre, Clothes swap, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Charity Bins/Op Shops*, Scrap metal recyclers, return to dry cleaners
Red lid garbage bin, Nespresso collections, TerraCycle for all capsule brands
Red lid garbage bin, Take to participating 7-Eleven stores
Bulky Waste Collection, External Waste Management Centre, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Bulky Waste Collection, External Waste Management Centre, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Bulky Waste Collection, External Waste Management Centre, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Red lid garbage bin, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Bulky Waste Collection (up to 1.5m length), External Waste Management Centre
Bulky Waste Collection, Scrap metal recyclers
Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Red lid garbage bin, External Waste Management Centre, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Red lid garbage bin, Charity Bins/Op Shops*, Return to local participating optometrist
Bulky Waste Collection, External Waste Management Centre, Scrap metal recycler
Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre, Australia Post
External Waste Management Centre, Scrap metal recycler
- Larger than 50c piece - Yellow lid recycling bin
- Smaller than 50c piece - Red lid garbage bin
- Household Recycling Drop Off
Bulky Waste Collection (Up to 1.5m length), External Waste Management Centre
Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre (Towels and sheets ONLY, no pillows/cushions or quilts/doonas), Charity Bins/Op Shops*, check with local animal rescue organisation, Red lid garbage bin, Bulky Waste Collection
Red lid garbage bin, Bulky Waste Collection, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
- Return to participating hospitals and pharmacies
- Pharmacycle Drop Off Location
Bulky Waste Collection, Scrap metal recycler
Take to participating pharmacies and hospitals
Red lid garbage bin, NSW EPAChemical CleanOut, Soak up with paper towel and place in compost bin
Yellow lid recycling bin, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Red lid garbage bin (lids removed)
Red lid garbage bin, Compost bin or worm farm, Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre (must be in a sealed cardboard box)
Red lid garbage bin, take to participating Officeworks stores
Red lid garbage bin, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Red lid garbage bin, Bulky Waste Collection, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre (only available to Hornsby Shire residents), Red lid garbage bin, Bulky Waste Collection
Red lid garbage bin, Bulky Waste Collection, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Red lid garbage bin, Bulky Waste Collection, External Waste Management Centre, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre, Australia Post
Red lid garbage bin, Bulky Waste Collection, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Q - R
Red lid garbage bin, External Waste Management Centre, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Red lid garbage bin, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Red lid garbage bin (bagged), compost bin or worm farm
Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Red lid garbage bin, compost bin or worm farm, donate to local pet shop, Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre (must be in a sealed cardboard box)
Red lid garbage bin, Bulky Waste Collection, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre, Red lid garbage bin, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Note: Audio speakers encased in timber (wooden encasing) cannot be recycled at the Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre.
Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre (only available to Hornsby Shire residents), Red lid garbage bin
Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre, External Waste Management Centre, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre, Officeworks
Red lid garbage bin, Bulky Waste Collection, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
Red lid garbage bin, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
External Waste Management Centre, Tyre Stewardship Australia
U - V
Red lid garbage bin (bagged), compost bin or worm farm
Red lid garbage bin, Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre, Charity Bins/Op Shops*
W - X
Red lid garbage bin, Bulky Waste Collection, Scrap metal recycler
Y - Z
No results were found
External recyclers or items not on this list can be searched on Planet Ark's Recycling Near You directory
If you have items in good condition, consider re-selling online or at a Second Hand Hornsby garage sale
* Please ensure that all charity donations are clean and in good condition. If you wouldn't give it to a mate, don't donate!
A-Z Recycling Guide (PDF 1.5MB)