
My Property

Hornsby Shire Council has strict rules and policies about building and renovations on your property to ensure the safety of the community as well as preserving the aesthetics of Hornsby Shire's streetscape.

Developing My Property

Rates are used to provide essential infrastructure and local services. If you own a home or business property you will pay rates to Council.
how council works


Debtor information with links to online forms for paying your account or changing details
how council works


Hornsby Shire Council has strict tree management policies to protect and preserve both urban and bushland trees that makes this the Bushland Shire.


There are more than 40,000 pets and companion animals in Hornsby Shire. Council aims to protect the rights of these animals and their owners, as well as the rights of other community members.
pet registration


Councils have limited authority in disputes between neighbours over fences.


All councils in New South Wales must inspect swimming pool barriers to reduce childhood drownings.
swimming pool

Swimming Pools

Rainwater tanks store rainwater run-off from your roof and offer an alternative water supply for use in your home and garden.
rainwater tanks

Rainwater Tanks

Over one third of residents live close to bushland reserves and National Parks. There are many actions that can be undertaken at the personal level to contribute to bush fire preparation and management.
bushfire preparedness

Bush Fire Preparation

Learn more about Stormwater issues on private properties and what Council may be able to do to assist.

Stormwater Drainage on Private Properties