Hornsby Local Environmental Plan
The Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 (HLEP) is Council’s main planning instrument, outlining what can be developed where. It features both a written instrument and maps.
Written instrument and notes
The written instrument includes legal definitions of development types and land use tables that describe what development is permissible in each zone. It also contains key development standards and special provisions to address land constraint issues, such as land acquisition, biodiversity and flood prone land.
To assist in the interpretation of the HLEP, Council has prepared a number of useful documents.
The Land Use Matrix (PDF 445kb) is a useful tool that helps you work out what land uses are permitted in each zone. Please note that the land use matrix will soon be updated to reflect changes to the HLEP.
The Table of Amendments (PDF 16kb) outlines amendments to the HLEP since it came into force in October 2013.
Notice of change to Business and Environmental zone names
From 26 April 2023, a reference to a Business or Industrial zone (i.e. B1, B2, IN1, IN2, etc.) in a document should be taken to reference a new Employment zone (i.e. E1, E2, MU1, W4, etc.)
Further information can be found on the Notice of change to Business and Industrial zone names page.
The HLEP maps and other key planning controls can be viewed on Council’s online mapping system.
Note: The online maps do not include current information for land within City of Parramatta (CoP) Local Government Area (LGA) that was formerly part of Hornsby Shire (land south of the M2). For information on planning controls that apply to the CoP LGA, please refer to the NSW Planning Portal or contact CoP Council on 1300 617 058 or visit the City of Parramatta website.
The HLEP maps can also be viewed on the NSW Legislation website.
Applicable map sheet numbers for locations across Hornsby Shire are indicated below to assist in accessing the relevant HLEP maps on the NSW legislation website.
Practice Notes: The Local Government (City of Parramatta and Cumberland) Proclamation 2016 provides transitional arrangements for newly amalgamated authorities. The Proclamation stipulates that until new plans are adopted for an amalgamated area, the existing plan from the previous authority applies.
There are a number of State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) that apply in Hornsby Shire and prevail over the HLEP wherever there is an inconsistency. All SEPPs in force can be viewed on the NSW Legislation website. A list of SEPPs applicable to a specific property can be obtained from Council though a Section 10.7 Planning Certificate.