
Planning Proposals

Planning Proposal

A planning proposal is a document that explains the intended effect of a proposed Local Environmental Plan (LEP) or an amendment to an LEP and sets out the justification for making that plan or amendment. The preparation of a planning proposal is the first step in preparing an LEP or an amendment to a LEP.

A planning proposal can be prepared for a range of matters. It can request an amendment to the zoning of land, development standards applying to land (such as building height, floor space ratio or lot size), or to the permitted land uses so that certain types of development can occur.

A planning proposal must address the requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) and the NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s Local Environmental Plan Making Guideline. Further information about the planning proposal process is available on the Department’s website.

Current Proposals

  • Heritage and Housekeeping Planning Proposal

    This is a Council initiated planning proposal to implement heritage and housekeeping amendments to the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013. These amendments seek to improve the operation, accuracy and interpretation of the instrument.

  • Byles Creek Planning Proposal

    This is a Council initiated planning proposal in the Byles Creek area of Pennant Hills and Beecroft. The proposal seeks to amend the HLEP to give effect to the Byles Creek Planning Study, reflecting the bushland and riparian qualities of the study area.

Council receives advice from the Local Planning Panel before deciding whether to submit a planning proposal to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for preliminary approval to proceed (known as a gateway determination). Hornsby Local Planning Panel advice on previous and current planning proposals is available on the Local Planning Panel page.

Further information on the progress or determination of a Planning Proposal is available on the NSW Planning Portal.