Heritage items
Heritage items are identified as individual or grouped places, structures or objects of heritage significance. These can include buildings, structures, landscaping, gardens, parks, archaeological relics or Aboriginal sites.
There are two levels of listing for heritage items within NSW and Hornsby Shire:
1. Local heritage items, which have been assessed as significant to the local community and are listed in a Council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP)
2. State heritage items, which have been recognised as significant to the whole of NSW as well as to the local community and are listed on the State Heritage Register (under the Heritage Act, 1977).
To find out if a particular property is listed as a heritage item within Hornsby Council, refer to Schedule 5 within the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 – NSW Legislation.
Search Council’s Heritage register to find an inventory sheet on the heritage items and archaeological sites, including a statement of significance, historical notes, physical description and an image.
You can also search:
- NSW’s State Heritage Inventory | NSW Environment and Heritage
- Council’s online Property Enquiry
- Councils online Mapping System
To learn more about heritage and what makes it special refer to Council’s Heritage in Hornsby brochure What’s the Fuss about heritage (PDF 3.2MB).
Renovating a Home
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Celebrating our heritage through interpretation

Have your say on Hornsby Shire's heritage
Hornsby Shire Council values feedback from the community on what local residents regard as their local heritage.