
What is a thematic history?

A thematic history provides a broad historical context for understanding the patterns and forces that shaped an area over time. It identifies locally distinctive themes to structure the history. A theme can unite a variety of actions, events, functions, people and dates, it helps to prevent any concentration on a particular type of item, period or event of history.

The thematic history is not intended to be a detailed account of all aspects of the history of an area, nor to replace histories designed to serve other purposes.

The development of the thematic history will align with the 36 New South Wales Historical Themes as defined by Heritage NSW. However as noted by Heritage NSW ‘Not all themes are relevant throughout the state…[and] local themes will not necessarily fit neatly into the state thematic framework.’

To learn more about the local historical themes which shaped Horsnsby Shire, refer to the Hornsby Thematic History (PDF 16.6MB).