Update state heritage inventory and review of existing inventory sheets
Heritage Inventory Sheets
Heritage Inventory Sheets for Hornsby Shire’s listed heritage items and archaeological sites are currently held within Council’s online Heritage Register.
This is an ongoing project intended to migrate all the current information held within the Hornsby Heritage Register to the State Heritage Inventory (SHI) database hosted and managed by Heritage NSW, and provide updates where required.
The State Heritage Inventory is an interactive spatial viewer that enables you to explore, search and view heritage listed items and supporting information for all NSW government agencies and local councils.
The inventory sheets contained within the Hornsby Heritage Register largely originate from 1993. Although typical of the time, they do not largely confirm with the SHI standard template and are now outdated with little detail, lack of current photos and current descriptions. Many heritage items have also undergone alterations since 1993 or their condition has changed.
A Heritage Inventory Sheet is the record of information that supports and justifies the heritage listing of an item. All inventory sheets in NSW are required to confirm with the SHI template and uploaded onto the SHI database managed by Heritage NSW for public access.
Heritage inventory sheets contain the primary information that describes the item and identified heritage significance. This includes the item name, property address, physical description, record of modifications, current condition, local themes, historical notes, a statement of significance, an accurate heritage assessment in line with the NSW heritage significance criteria, current (and past) photographs and a defined curtilage.
The State Heritage Inventory (SHI) is an online searchable database managed by Heritage NSW of all the heritage items in New South Wales, including:
- declared Aboriginal Places;
- items listed on the State Heritage Register;
- listed Interim Heritage Orders;
- items on State Agency Heritage Registers; and
- items listed of local heritage significance on a local council’s Local Environmental Plan.
The information is presented in a standard template format which conforms to the NSW heritage significance criteria.
The objectives the project include:
- Migration of the information within the Heritage Register into the State Heritage Inventory
- Identify any heritage items that do not currently have data sheets or missing or misleading information and project plan to produce new information or a revised heritage assessment within a future project.
The project is being completed by Council’s Heritage Planners and supporting administrative staff.
Council staff will continue migrating all the Heritage Inventory Sheets into the State Heritage Inventory database.
Ensuring information within the State Heritage Inventory is update and correct is an ongoing and residual process.
More information
If you have any questions please phone Council on 9847 6666 during office hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm).
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