What are the objectives of the landscape heritage study?

The purpose of the Landscape Heritage Study is to:

  • Prepare a new comprehensive Landscape Heritage Study that captures all cultural and natural landscapes that have heritage significance for listing on Schedule 5 of the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan,
  • A comprehensive review and consolidation of the previous landscape and heritage studies, as well as background material where necessary, including primary and secondary source material, libraries and historical collections, comprising of written records, maps, photos, local histories and other documents and backgrounds relating to the landscape and natural heritage of Hornsby.
  • Review of all previously identified landscape heritage items and landscape components of heritage items and reassess significance.
  • Identify any potential new cultural or natural landscape items.
  • Provide updated inventory sheets and provide increased accuracy and detail.
  • Provide information necessary for Council to meet its statutory obligations and management policies for the maintenance and protection of landscape heritage.
  • The updated data and information are presented in an engaging, contemporary and usable format.
  • Provide Council with recommendations for future management and planning.