What are the objectives of the HCA review?

The purpose of the HCA Review is to ensure that areas in Hornsby Shire with cogent and demonstrable built, landscape or other heritage values are identified and mapped as HCAs in the HLEP and that Council’s planning controls include specific measures to conserve and manage the distinctive heritage significance of each HCA, and HCA precincts, when change is proposed.

The HCA project focusses on built heritage and urban form and will:

  • Review the boundaries, significance and integrity of existing HCAs in response to change.
  • Address HCA ‘gaps’ - post-war and mid-twentieth century built heritage, and the lack of HCAs in the northern half of the local government area.
  • Assess potential HCAs identified by Council.
  • Recommend associated amendments to the Hornsby Local Environmental Plan 2013 (HLEP) and the Hornsby Development Control Plan 2013 (HDCP).