Archaeological Heritage Study
A draft of the Archaeological Heritage Study was completed in March 2022. It was prepared by Extent Heritage and is an update of Hornsby’s previous Archaeological heritage study completed in 1993.
The new Archaeological study has reassessed known sites, identifed new areas of potential archaeological significance and included recommendations for improved management and protection of the Shire’s historical archaeology.
An Archaeological Heritage Study looks at a broad area and considers its potential for historical archaeological sites, as well as their likely levels of significance, with identified sites being considered for listing in the next version of the Hornsby Shire Local Environmental Plan (LEP). It also provides clear policies and recommendations to ensure that significant archaeological remains are identified and appropriately managed during the development process.
While it may not capture every archaeological site across the Shire, it will try to locate and map the earliest sites and those identified as being most significant by the local community. This is where we need the community’s assistance to understand what is most important to local residents and why.
The objectives of the Archaeological Heritage Study were to:
- Review currently listed archaeological sites and confirm if the listings are still relevant;
- Identify new archaeological sites through the assessment of historical studies, aerials, and maps, as well as consultation with the local community;
- Assess the current condition of select archaeological sites;
- Develop an inventory sheet for every archaeological site included in the study;
- Complete digital mapping to provide site locations to Council; and
- Make recommendations to ensure the appropriate management of significant archaeological sites, including input into the next Hornsby Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP).
The Archaeological Heritage Study was led by Extent Heritage. The project team comprised of two senior heritage practitioners with over 16 years’ experience as historical archaeologists in consulting, government, and academic contexts and qualifications of a professional historian, together with an experienced historical archaeological heritage advisor who worked on all phases of the study.
The draft study was completed in March 2022. Refinement of the draft study’s recommendations is currently underway to prepare the information for community input and consultation.
More information
If you have any questions please phone Council on 9847 6666 during office hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm).
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