Current heritage studies underway
In 2018 Council committed to undertake a Comprehensive Heritage Study to respond to the changing development context, demography and community expectations regarding the identification, policy and protection of Hornsby Shire’s heritage.
The Hornsby Heritage Action Plan (PDF 1.2MB) was prepared in 2019 to identify the strategic tasks required to guide the scope of the Comprehensive Heritage Study and informed a programme to complete the tasks.
The programme of works commenced in October 2020 and involves numerous projects to be undertaken over several years. The preparation of each study is being undertaken with input from the Hornsby Council Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC), and the Hornsby Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee (HATSICC) throughout the course of each project.
For more information on each active project, please follow the links below.



Heritage interpretation strategy



Heritage item review

Targeted identification and heritage item review

Heritage conservation area review

Update state heritage inventory and review of existing inventory sheets

Heritage community engagement strategy
Renovating a Home
Buying and Selling

Celebrating our heritage through interpretation

Have your say on Hornsby Shire's heritage
Hornsby Shire Council values feedback from the community on what local residents regard as their local heritage.