
Construction Management Plans

What is a Construction Management Plan?

A Construction Management Plan (CMP) is a document that describes the construction project and defines the way construction activities will be carried out. The aim of a CMP is provide procedures to manage any impacts or disruption to the local community caused by certain construction activities. It is a document prepared by or on behalf of the applicant (builders or developers).

It is important to note that a CMP does not eliminate the impacts of construction activities. CMPs identify appropriate strategies and management measures that developers and builders need to put in place to control the manageable impacts of construction activities.

The need for a CMP will depend on factors including the type, size and location of the development, site constraints, impacts on the environment and surrounding community. Where it is deemed appropriate, the inclusion of a CMP will generally be applied as a condition on the notice of determination for a development approval (DA) and the CMP must be lodged for assessment and approval before certain works begin.

Approval of a CMP confirms that developers and builders will put in place suitable measures and practices to control the manageable impacts of construction activities as far as reasonably possible.

CMPs can cover the following:

  • security and public safety surrounding the construction site, including pedestrian and cyclist safety
  • construction traffic and parking management, including heavy vehicle routes, road closures, work zone permits and construction worker parking
  • the provision of information signs and contractor contact details
  • environmental controls, such as erosion and sediment control, tree protection
  • waste and recycling management, including storage and disposal waste generated by construction activities
  • protection of existing infrastructure services during works.

The assessment of a CMP cannot:

  • eliminate all construction impacts, which cannot otherwise be reasonably managed
  • stop or change the construction of the development
  • regulate on potential structural impacts on surrounding buildings or development
  • limit the lawful parking of construction worker vehicles on street
  • restrict hours of work beyond what is permitted under the approved development consent.

Guidance for preparing a CMP

The following guidance material has been developed to assist with the preparation of a CMP. Please note that this is based on a mock development and should only be used as a guide.

Construction Management Plan Guide

Submit a CMP for review

Use the following weblink to Council’s Online Services Portal, then select “Planning Related Applications”. Note that fees are applicable for the review of a CMP in accordance Council’s Fees and Charges.

Online Services Portal

Construction site concerns

If you have a concern about construction site activities, look for the building sign with the contractor’s details at the development frontage. Communicate with the development representatives. This may resolve the issue in the quickest way possible.

If you have continued concerns about compliance with an approved CMP you can ask Council to investigate.

Lodge a request
