
Complying Development Certificates

hree-dimensional image of a modern wooden house on a background of drawings

A Complying Development Certificate is a combined planning and construction approval for straightforward developments which strictly comply with pre-determined development standards set under State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs).

A Complying Development Certificate is required to be approved prior to the commencement of any building work.

A Principal Certifier (PC) is also required to be appointed in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, before commencement of any building works. When lodging your Complying Development Certificate, you will need to nominate your appointed Principal Certifier.

PLEASE NOTE: It is the responsibility of the owner/applicant to ensure the proposed development/demolition strictly meets the pre-determined development standards of the relevant State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) prior to lodgement. Hornsby Certifiers cannot issue a Complying Development Certificate approval if the development/demolition does not strictly meet these requirements. This may result in the refusal/withdrawal of your application and additional fees to be paid.

All Complying Development Certificate applications must be lodged with Council electronically via the NSW Planning Portal.

Documents and plans to be supplied with your Complying Development Certificate application

  • Fee quotation (contact Hornsby Certifiers to obtain a quote)
  • Long Service Levy Payment (if cost of works $250,000 or greater)
  • Owners consent form (PDF 99kb)
  • Applying for a Principal Certifier Appointment Application on the NSW Planning Portal. Instructions on the process can be found here: Submit an Application to Appoint a Principal Certifier (PDF).
  • Apply to enter into a contract with Hornsby Shire Council (Hornsby Certifiers) to provide Certification work
  • Architectural Plans drawn to scale including a site plan, floor plans, sections and elevations of the proposed development/demolition that strictly comply with the development standards of the relevant State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP)
  • Engineering details designed and endorsed by a qualified and practising structural engineer
  • Stormwater plans detailing the proposed methods of collecting and disposing of stormwater from existing and proposed buildings/structures
  • Sediment and erosion control plans detailing the proposed method of controls to be implemented on the property (if required)
  • Waste Management Plan detailing the quantity of waste that will be generated by the proposed development/demolition and the method of disposal
  • Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Certificate (if property is bushfire prone)
  • BASIX Certificate (if cost of works $50,000 or greater or if swimming pool greater than 40,000L)
  • Sydney Water Approval (if required)
  • Building Specifications detailing the proposed materials and finishes (if required)
  • Owner Builder Permit or Home Building Compensation Cover (formerly Home Warranty Insurance) (if cost of works $10,000 or greater)
  • Payment of Section 7.11 /7.12 Development Contributions (formerly Section 94/94A) (if required)

Further documents and plans in addition to the above checklist may also be required to be provided.

Apply for a Complying Development Certificate

Please contact Hornsby Certifiers via email: or phone (02) 9847 6787 for further enquiries. Alternatively, you can visit the NSW Planning Portal for further information.