
Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Certificates

bush fire attack level certificate

A Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Certificate verifies the level of bushfire threat in accordance with "Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2019" and must be obtained to accompany a Complying Development Certificate Application where the project is located on bushfire prone land.

Hornsby Certifiers can undertake an assessment of the bushfire threat of your property and issue a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Certificate verifying that your proposed development is not being undertaken on land identified as ‘bushfire prone’ that has a bushfire Attack Level 40 (BAL-40) or Flame Zone (BAL-FZ) in accordance with the requirements of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.

Further information regarding undertaking Complying Development on bushfire prone land can also be found on the NSW Rural Fire Service website.

The fee for a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Certificate is listed in Council’s Fees and Charges.

All Bushfire Attack Level Certificate applications must be lodged electronically via Council’s Online Services Portal.

Documents and plans to be supplied with your Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Certificate Application

  • Owners consent form
  • Detailed description of the building works you are proposing to undertake
  • A site plan drawn to scale showing the existing buildings on the site and the proposed building works

Apply for a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL Certificate)

Please contact Hornsby Certifiers via email or phone (02) 9847 6787 for further enquiries.