Building Certification
ONLINE LODGEMENTS: All Construction Certificates, Complying Development Certificates, Building Information Certificates and the Installation of Domestic Solid Fuel Heating Appliance Applications must be lodged with Council electronically via the NSW Planning Portal.
CLASS 2-9 APPLICATIONS: Please be advised that Hornsby Certifiers is unable to assess or act as the Principal Certifier (PC) for the following applications:
- Complying Development applications for Class 2-9 Buildings under the NCC (Building Code of Australia) (including change of use applications); and
- Construction Certificate applications for Class 2-9 Buildings under the NCC (Building Code of Australia).
Please refer to NSW Fair Trading’s website to assist with finding and appointing a private accredited certifier.

Construction Certificates

Complying Development Certificates

Appointment of a Principal Certifier

Critical Stage Inspections and Occupation Certificates

Building Information Certificates

Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Certificates

Swimming Pool Compliance Certificates