
Work Zone Permit

Council approval is required for a Work Zone

IMPORTANT – Before applying for a Work Zone permit, please read the following important notes.

  1. Works Zones are provided to facilitate the efficient and safe operation of construction projects while minimizing disruption to traffic and pedestrians. They are provided in accordance with the Road Transport Act 2013. Rule 181 of the Road Rules 2014 permits a driver to stop in a Work Zone if the driver is driving a vehicle that is: engaged in construction work in or near the Work Zone or dropping off or picking up passengers.
  2. It is recommended that the road be at least 8 metres wide from kerb to kerb to accommodate a ‘Works Zone’. The applicant shall confirm the required width of road prior to submitting the application.
  3. The Work Zone application fee* (GST not applicable) is non-refundable and must be paid in full before a permit is considered. For Council’s current Fees and Charges (*subject to change) please visit our Fees and Charges page.
  4. A one-off charge* (incl. GST) will be charged by Council for the installation and removal of the Traffic Signs (two per charge) after approval of Work Zone application. For Council’s current Fees and Charges (*subject to change) please visit our Fees and Charges page.
  5. The use of public roadway for work zone purposes – charged per linear metre per week* (GST not applicable). For Council’s current Fees and Charges (*subject to change) please visit our Fees and Charges page.
  6. Fee description

    No. of Linear metres

    No. of weeks

    Charge as at 1 July 2024

    Calculation of fee total

    Construction Zone Signs - per linear metre per week (The use of public roadway for work zone purposes)



    $22.50 (per linear metre per week)

    12m x 12w x $22.50 = $3,240

  7. The applicant is responsible for maintaining the approved Works Zone signs installed by Council around the building site.
  8. A Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) is to be provided, in accordance with AS1742.3 requirements. This application cannot be processed unless the TGS is supplied. The TGS needs to be signed off by a Transport for NSW (TfNSW) certified designer for Traffic Guidance Schemes.
  9. A draft copy of resident/business notification must be attached to this application (where applicable).
  10. A copy of Approval for Road Occupancy Licence (ROL) from TfNSW Traffic Management Centre, if required, should be attached with this application (where applicable).
  11. Work Zone must conform to the hours of demolition or building works stipulated by the Council on the relevant development consent. These hours of operation would normally be 7.00am to 5.00pm from Monday to Saturday.
  12. A copy of the company’s public liability insurance policy is required for the amount of $20 million, indemnifying Hornsby Shire Council in the event of any member of the public suffering injury by reason of the works
  13. Council will seek a recommendation from the Local Traffic Committee before approving any Work Zone that due to impact on public transport, residential amenity or limit retail access. The approval process is approximately 28 days.

Apply Now

For more information about Work Zone permits phone 9847 6615.