
Building and Development

Find out about building and planning policies in Hornsby Shire and what you need to do to carry out a development or renovation.

Building and development work requires approval from Council before work may begin. Certificates of compliance must also be granted to carry out a variety of residential and commercial activities. Find an application form here.
application forms

Application Forms

An development application (DA) must be lodged with Council before building and development works may begin. Find out about development applications here.
development applications

Development Applications

Information and resources relating to all aspects of the building certification process
Architects drawing

Building Certification

A Planning Proposal explains the intended effect of the proposed LEP and also justifies the making of the Plan.
hornsby town centre zoning map

Planning Proposals

Hornsby Shire is part of the Sydney North Planning Panel (SNPP) which make decisions on significant development that affects the local region.
people meeting at a desk

Sydney North Planning Panel meetings (SNPP)

Elected Hornsby Shire Councillors no longer decide the outcome of individual development applications and are instead referred to the Hornsby Shire Council Planning Panel for consideration and determination.
examining design plans

Hornsby Shire Council Local Planning Panel

property enquiry

Property Enquiry

There are strict policies in place to govern what can be developed in Hornsby Shire and how development can be carried out.
planning policies

Policies and Guidelines

A permit is required to undertake a variety of activities in Hornsby Shire, from excavation works to the erection of hoardings. Apply for a permit here.

Apply for a Permit

Learn more about our strategic vision on ways we can share and celebrate Hornsby Shire’s history and heritage to through interpretation.
Fagan Park museum


Whether renovating your kitchen or building a block of units, town planning can be a complex issue. Hornsby Shire Council’s staff are here to help.
town planning advice

Town Planning Advice (Duty Planner)

question mark and tick

Frequently Asked Questions and Online Resources


AUS-SPEC Specifications

Development on land next to tidal waters needs to take into account predictions of future sea level rises.

Sea Level Rise Map

Applications determined by Council with variations to a development standard are available for public viewing.
engineer measuring with ruler

Variations to Development Standards

engineers measuring

Development Engineer Enquiry

Information about housing stress in the community and how Hornsby Council addresses the issue.
woman holding toddler in arms

Affordable Housing

Information about Construction Management Plans and Erosion and Sediment Control Plans.
aerial view of house construction
