
Online privacy statement

Council has adopted a Privacy Management Plan to meet its legislative requirements under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection (PPIPA) Act 1998, to confirm Council’s commitment to privacy protection and to outline Council’s practice for dealing with privacy and personal information in accordance with the Information Protection Principles. Council also uses the Privacy Management Plan to comply with the Health Privacy Principles as set out in the Health Records and Information Privacy Act. Download Council's Privacy Management Plan (PDF 614kb).

Information provided to Council in correspondence, submissions or requests (verbal, electronic or written) will only be used for purposes directly relating to Council’s functions, including in accordance with other relevant legislation such as the Government Information (Public Access) (GIPA) Act 2009.  You have a right to access your own personal information held by Council, and to have that information corrected if it is incorrect.

Privacy and Council’s Website

When you visit the Hornsby Shire Council website, the following information is recorded for statistical purposes:

  • your server's address
  • the top-level domain from which you access the Internet (eg: .gov, .com, .edu, .org, .au, .sg etc)
  • the type of browser you use
  • the date and time you visited our site
  • the pages you visited and the documents downloaded
  • the link you followed to get to our site
  • the link you followed to leave our site

This information is used to create summary statistics to tell us the number of visitors coming to the different sections of our site, what information is most and least used, and technical design information such as broken links.

We use this information to make our site more useful to visitors.

Like many websites, Hornsby Council uses “cookies” to collect data from our website. A cookie is a piece of information that an Internet website sends to your browser when you access information at that site.

The server technology used for Hornsby Council's website generates a unique ID number to identify the user’s browser. This ID number is set as a cookie called CFID on the user's browser. The server will identify the user's browser each time the relevant information is accessed via the website.

Any questions or concerns about your privacy should be directed to Council’s Privacy Contact Officer at

For more information about privacy legislation contact the Information and Privacy Commission at