Conditions of Entry
Hornsby Aquatic and Leisure Centre is a family friendly place, so please be mindful of the following conditions:
- Please supervise your children at all times. Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult (over 16 years)
- Children 5 years of age and under must be within arms reach of an adult (16 years of age or older) at all times
- Please do not smoke and do not bring alcohol or drugs into the Centre
- Any person suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be refused entry to the Centre or expelled from the Centre
- Please do not bring glass objects into the Centre
- Please wear appropriate swimming attire
- Please respect the rights of others and don’t use abusive, disruptive or offensive language or act in an offensive manner
- Cameras and mobile phones are not permitted within the change rooms
- Members of the Hornsby Aquatic and Leisure Centre will need to show their membership card when entering the Centre
- Please take care of your belongings, the Centre does not accept responsibility for lost or stolen belongings
Staff are here to ensure the Hornsby Aquatic and Leisure Centre is a safe place:
- Learn to Swim, Personal Training and Squad Coaching sessions are ONLY to be conducted by Centre staff
- Please comply with all requests and directions made by Centre staff
Your responsibilities:
- You enter the Centre and participate in all activities at your own risk
- You release the Centre from any or all actions made by you or on your behalf regarding any injury or loss that may be sustained
- You indemnify the Centre from any or all actions or liability in any way the result of your conduct whilst at the Centre
- You consent to receiving any medical treatment that the Centre staff may reasonably consider necessary
- You must comply with all reasonable requests and directions made by Centre staff. If you do not comply you may be expelled from the Centre
- Permanent expulsion from the Centre may apply for inappropriate or anti social behaviour, illegal activities or failure to follow directives from Centre staff
Hygiene at the pool
Please be aware of the following guidelines recommended by NSW Department of Health:
- Don’t swim if you have had diarrhoea or vomiting in the past two weeks
- Don’t swallow pool water
- Encourage children to go to the toilet before entering the pool
- Children are to wear tight fitting swimming pants and also water proof aqua nappies at all times
- Change nappies regularly, not beside the pool but in the change rooms
- After changing the nappy, throw out the waste and wash child and your hands thoroughly with soap before entering the pool area
Children who are not toilet trained are most likely to spread germs in the pool. To avoid accidents and pool closures please make sure you consider the above guidelines.
Waterproof aqua nappies (see below) are available at reception.

Are you looking for a rewarding job?
Apply to become a learn to swim instructor or lifeguard at Hornsby Aquatic and Leisure Centres and this could start your journey teaching people of all ages a life skill