Hornsby Shire Council hosts a large number of events throughout the year. From music, food and art festivals to guided bush walks to school holiday programs. There is something for everyone, young and old!
- Hornsby Library
Monthly Book Sale – Hornsby
You’re invited to come to Hornsby Library and find yourself a bargain at our monthly book sale. -
, Hornsby Mall
Taste of the World Cultural Festival
Join us for a multicultural festival celebrating diversity and the many cultures within Hornsby Shire. -
, Hornsby Mall
Hornsby Welcome Market
Hornsby Welcome Markets will host a variety market on the first Saturday of every month February – December. Stalls include fashion, jewellery, decor, art and crafts, assorted homewares and some great yummy treats and bites. -
, Warada Ngurang Community Nursery
Carving spoons from woody weeds
Carve your own spoon with master greenwood carver and bush regenerator Brad Van Luyt. -
, Hornsby Library
电子邮件简介 - Introduction to Email (TSS Mandarin)
新州老年人科技通(中文普通话)- Tech Savvy Seniors Classes in Mandarin -
, Hornsby Library
Meet the author Debra Oswald
Meet Debra Oswald, author of One Hundred Years of Betty. -
Blue Gum Walk, Hornsby
This two and a half hour (5 km) circuit walk follows the much-loved Blue Gum track. -
, Hornsby Library
Aged Care Fees and Charges
Presented by Services Australia. -
, Community Recycling Centre
Compost and Worm Farm Workshop
Join Kerrie from Synergy Permaculture and learn all about Composting and Worm Farming. -
, Fagan Park – Carrs Road Shelter 2
Grasses and Groundcovers Walk and Talk
This walk and talk will take us on a journey through Carrs Bush, Fagan Park, Galston. -
, Council Depot – Galston
Chipping for Mulch – Galston – Apr 2025
Bring along your garden prunings and branches to our free chipping service. -
, Coronation StrEat Precinct
Second-Hand Hornsby Market
We’re excited to host our Second-Hand Hornsby (SHH) Market at Coronation StEat, Hornsby! -
, Hornsby Library
YOUTH WEEK: Origami World
Join us for a hands-on origami experience where you’ll learn the art of paper folding while making beautiful creations to take home! -
- Pennant Hills Library, Hornsby Library and Berowra Library
Feature Creatures Reptile Show
Experience the wonder of the Aussie wild with an interactive reptile, amphibian and Bug show. -
Fagan Park, Galston - Wild Investigators Activity (7-12 yrs)
his safari will take you on a 2 km easy journey through the northern section of Fagan Park. The young ecologists will use dip nets and other survey methods to explore nature. -
, Hornsby Library
平板电脑介绍 - Introduction to Tablets (Mandarin)
新州老年人科技通(中文普通话) - Tech Savvy Seniors Classes in Mandarin -
- Hornsby Library, Galston Library, Pennant Hills Library
Drop In and Discover
Explore your creativity in this interactive session. -
Fagan Park Dog walk
Take your dog on this lovely 1 hour (2.5 km) stroll through the beautiful bushland and parkland of Fagan Park. -
, Hornsby Library
智能手机简介 - Introduction to Smartphones (Mandarin)
新州老年人科技通(中文普通话) - Tech Savvy Seniors Classes in Mandarin -
, Hornsby Library and Pennant Hills Library
JD's World of Magic
International Award -Winning Magician Joel Howlett from JD's World Of Magic is returning by popular demand!