Wills, Powers of Attorney and Enduring Guardianships
2025-05-21 10:30:00 2025-05-21 11:30:00 Australia/Sydney Wills, Powers of Attorney and Enduring Guardianships Making a will and appointing a power of attorney or enduring guardian are important decisions. Come along and hear key... Australia Sean O'Hagan sohagan@hornsby.nsw.gov.au-
Event cost: Free. Bookings essential.
Making a will and appointing a power of attorney or enduring guardian are important decisions. Come along and hear key considerations explained including:
- When do each of these documents apply?
- What is the law in relation to these documents?
- Who should have them and who should be appointed?
- Do you need legal advice in relation to these documents?
Presented by Cecilia Castle of Castle Lawyers.