
Travel Writing Workshop

2024-07-30 18:00:00 2024-07-30 20:00:00 Australia/Sydney Travel Writing Workshop Pack your passport and pen for our travel writing workshop, perfect for anyone looking to turn their travel stories into... Australia Lauren Page
Location: Hornsby Library, 28-44 George Street Hornsby, NSW 2077
Event cost: $8pp
Contact: Hornsby Library

Pack your passport and pen for our travel writing workshop, perfect for anyone looking to turn their travel stories into publishable pieces.

This 2-hour workshop will explore various aspects of travel writing, including publishing opportunities, types of travel stories, and the history of the genre.

Learn what it takes to be a travel writer, choose the right story subjects, and master the tools of the trade.

Topics covered include:

  • Industry resources
  • Writing for different media
  • Crafting winning pitches
  • Effective research
  • The secrets of a great story
  • Travel writing exercises

Join us to discover the limitless possibilities of travel writing and get your name in print.

plane on passport on orange background

Hornsby Library

28-44 George Street Hornsby, NSW 2077