
Rental Laws

2025-05-22 18:30:00 2025-05-22 19:30:00 Australia/Sydney Rental Laws Residential tenancy laws are changing in NSW. Come along and hear about the significant changes which include:Termination of leasesRental increasesCost... Australia Sean O'Hagan
Location: Hornsby Library, 28-44 George Street, Hornsby
Event cost: Free. Bookings essential.
Contact: Hornsby Library

Residential tenancy laws are changing in NSW. Come along and hear about the significant changes which include:

  • Termination of leases
  • Rental increases
  • Cost of entering into a lease
  • Keeping pets
  • Enforcement process

Presented by Cecilia Castle of Castle Lawyers.

hand holding miniature house and pen

Hornsby Library

28-44 George Street, Hornsby