Understanding and Preventing Dementia
2025-02-28 10:00:00 2025-02-28 12:00:00 Australia/Sydney Understanding and Preventing Dementia Presentation topicsDemystifying Dementia: half-truths and myths about DementiaElaborate dementia risk factorsProvide strategies to delay onset and minimise the risk of... Australia Sean O'Hagan sohagan@hornsby.nsw.gov.au-
Event cost: Free. Bookings will open in February.
Presentation topics
- Demystifying Dementia: half-truths and myths about Dementia
- Elaborate dementia risk factors
- Provide strategies to delay onset and minimise the risk of dementia
- Provide strategies to enhance health span
- Personalised treatment of Dementia based on genetics
- Dr Caitlin Finney, Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Neuroinflammation Research group, Westmead Institute of Medical Research
- Jay Kulkarni, Formerly Director, Institute of Administration, AGSM, University of New South Wales
Please note: Bookings will open in February.