
Fagan Park, Galston - Wild Investigators Activity (7-12 yrs)

2025-04-16 10:30:00 2025-04-16 12:00:00 Australia/Sydney Fagan Park, Galston - Wild Investigators Activity (7-12 yrs) This safari will take you on a 2 km easy journey through the northern section of Fagan Park. The young... Australia Sean O'Hagan
Event cost: Free
Contact: Bushland Programs Team

This safari will take you on a 2 km easy journey through the northern section of Fagan Park. The young ecologists will use dip nets and other survey methods to explore nature.

Both kids and adults will be surprised to discover the world of the minibeasts! Some live on the land, some live in the water: this special holiday program will search for them all. Turn over a new leaf . . . and see what you find!

Walk grade: 2 (easy)
Suitability: Targeted for primary age children 7 - 12 years of age. All children must be accompanied by a supervising adult. 
Please note:

  • This activity includes water-based exploration.
  • Mobile reception is unreliable at this event.
  • Parking fee applies, however a limited amount of free on-street parking is available on Carrs Road.
colourful dragonfly on twig