
Introduction to iNaturalist – Great Southern Bioblitz

2024-09-07 9:00:00 2024-09-07 11:00:00 Australia/Sydney Introduction to iNaturalist – Great Southern Bioblitz Learn how to use the citizen science app iNaturalist to find and photograph wild plants, animals and other organisms in... Australia Lauren Page
Location: Warada Ngurang Community Nursery, 28 Britannia Street, Pennant Hills 2120
Event cost: Free. Booking essential
Contact: Bushland Programs Team

Learn how to use the citizen science app iNaturalist to find and photograph wild plants, animals and other organisms in nature around you.

Get ready for the Great Southern Bioblitz and help record as many wild species as possible between Friday 20th and Monday 23rd of September 2024. Help Sydney compete with places from around the southern hemisphere. All that's needed is you and your mobile phone!

This workshop will teach you how to:

  • use the iNaturalist app on your phone
  • take good photos so people can help identify what you saw
  • participate in the upcoming Great Southern Bioblitz

It includes the opportunity to practise your new skills in an accessible bushland setting.

Please come ready with the iNaturalist app on your phone, a bottle of drinking water, a hat and sturdy footwear. Morning tea will be provided.

iNaturalist - Great Southern Bioblitz

Warada Ngurang Community Nursery

28 Britannia Street, Pennant Hills 2120