Carving spoons from woody weeds
2025-04-05 9:00:00 2025-04-05 12:00:00 Australia/Sydney Carving spoons from woody weeds Carve your own spoon with master greenwood carver and bush regenerator Brad Van Luyt. Brad will introduce you to the... Australia Lauren Page
Event cost: $20
Carve your own spoon with master greenwood carver and bush regenerator Brad Van Luyt. Brad will introduce you to the wonderful world of spoon carving with woody weeds, such as privet or box elder, sourced from local bushland. No woodwork or carving experience is needed, and all tools and materials are provided. All that is required is an open mind to the possibilities of working with wood to create a spoon and increasing your skills and techniques whilst connecting with other wood lovers.
All materials and tools supplied.
Morning tea is provided.