
Artists and Performers Register

sunset sessions performers

Hornsby Shire Council hosts a number of events throughout the year. From music to food and art festivals, there is something for everyone!

Council is always on the lookout for artists, musicians, performers and creative groups for local events.

If you would like to be considered for one of Council’s events you can include your details in our register*.

This internal register is used by Council to source artists and performers for events and projects.

*Completion of this form is not a guarantee of work nor does it create a contract with Council. This is an internal register with details to be held by Council for a period of 24 months.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed.

Applicant Details

* Name of Artist/Performer/Group/Organisation:

Contact Name (if different from above):

* Phone Number:

* Email:

* Suburb:

Website (if applicable):

* Please select any of the following items that you currently hold:

* What is your/your group's connection to Hornsby Shire?:

What do you provide?

Type of performance:

If other, please provide details:

* Biography:

Your biography should outline who you (or your group / organisation) are and your experience. Please write this biography in third person. Note, this text may be used for marketing and promotional purposes by Council.

* Support Material:

Please provide up to three website links (URLs) that showcase examples of your work. This could link to image/s, videos, articles and/or audio files. When linking support material, please make sure that it is easy to find and can be accessed on a range of devices (desktop computer, laptop, mobile and tablet).

Please note: these links will only be used by Council staff.

Please note: Completion of this form is not a guarantee of work nor does it create a contract with Council. This is an internal register with details to be held by Council for a period of 24 months.