New South Wales
Free Settler or Felon
Search Free Settler or Felon to find your Hunter Valley ancestor.
Irish Convicts to NSW 1791-1831
Details of Irish convicts who were transported to New South Wales between 1791 and 1831.
Joy Murrin Family History Services
Provides an economical alternative to New South Wales BDM Certificates as an accredited transcription agent since 1995.
Macquarie Park Cemetery
Searchable database from the cemetery located in North Ryde.
Marilyn Rowan’s Transcription Services
Provides an economical alternative to New South Wales BDM Certificates as an accredited transcription. A transcription costs a lot less than an official certificate but contains the same information.
NSW Land Registry Services
Access to New South Wales land titling records.
NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
Includes a Family History page that will help you trace your ancestors.
Rookwood Cemetery - Anglican and general burials
Gives free access to Anglican and general burials after you have registered as a member.
State Library of New South Wales
The Family History Service at the State Library of NSW is designed to help people discover information about their ancestors.
State Library of New South Wales - World War I Soldiers’ Diaries
A selection of soldiers' diaries and photographs available to view online.
State Records Office of New South Wales
For anyone wanting to explore the official archives of New South Wales. Includes catalogues, guides, indexes and other tools for searching the archives.
Sydney Benevolent Asylum
Listing more than 78,000 inmates of the asylum between 1857 and 1900.