Community Book Clubs
Hornsby Shire Council provides a range of kits that will allow everybody in your community book group to be on the same page.
What does the service offer?
Your group will get 10 copies of your current book for six weeks, as well as a set of accompanying reading notes in hard copy and via email.
What is the cost?
There is no cost for community book clubs to borrow the kits, however, overdue fees apply for late return.
What is required from the book group?
The group coordinator needs to sign an agreement that includes the following conditions:
- Reserve kits at least two weeks in advance, subject to availability;
- Take responsibility for all items received as part of a book club kit;
- Return complete kit of 10 copies on time in the tagged library bag provided;
- Return item over the counter at any Hornsby Shire library (not through any chute);
- Pay overdue fees if the kit is returned late;
- Pay for items that are lost or damaged, including handling charges;
- Distribute items and allow use by book club members only.
What titles are available?
There are more than 100 titles on offer, including fiction, biography, travel writing and other non-fiction titles. Some of the titles have limited availability, so make sure you choose a few alternatives when making your selection.
Download the list of available kits (PDF 1.9 MB)
How do I register my book group?
Contact the Customer Services Coordinator on 9847 6805 or email
You will also need to download a copy of the Library's Community Book Group Agreement form (PDF 104kb).
Are there any tips on starting a book group?
Yes, the Reading Club website has some useful ideas.
Are there existing book groups I can join?
Yes, there are a number of book groups that meet regularly at each of Hornsby Shire’s libraries.