
Request a magazine or journal article

request a magazine or journal article

If you could not find the article you're looking for in our collection we can try to find it for you at another library service.

Before you proceed, check our eMagazines page to make sure we don’t freely provide the title you are looking for.

If it isn’t there we can have it transferred from another library service. There is a cost of $4.00 per item and an additional charge of up to $21.10 for items of up to 25 pages with an additional charge of $4.90 for each additional 25 pages supplied by non-public libraries.

Please indicate that you agree to pay the fee in the Additional Comments section of the below form.

To use this service you will need to have a Hornsby Shire library membership number and your password.

Article Request Form

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed.

Not required after
I agree to comply with the following terms and conditions below *

Terms and conditions - Warning Concerning Copyright Restrictions

I understand that all documents requested by me electronically are subject to copyright restrictions, as per the Australian Copyright Act 1968, s49(1).

Declaration as required under s49(1) of the Copyright Act 1968: I require this copy for the purpose of research or study and will not use it for any other purpose. I have not previously been supplied with a copy of this article or other work, or the same part of the article or other work by an authorised officer of the library.

I agree to abide by the regulations of the Act for all such items.