
Request an Item Not Held

If none of Hornsby Shire’s libraries has the item you’re looking for, you can suggest that we buy it or borrow it from another library service.

Are you sure we don’t have it?

Before making a request you should search our catalogue to make sure we don’t already hold it. If the item is not at your nearest library we can easily transfer it from one of our other Hornsby Shire libraries, free of charge.

Suggest a purchase

When completing the form do not add your membership number and password to submit a suggestion. This service is free. We will consider your suggestion. You will not be notified of our decision, but you can check our responses to the requests received.

Suggest a purchase

Suggest a purchase and make a reservation

When completing the form, please enter your membership number and password to submit a request. This service is for fiction items published within the last 2 years, non-fiction published within the last year, DVDs and CDs. If we purchase the item we will reserve it for you. If we cannot purchase the item we will contact you.

Suggest a purchase and make a reservation

Request an item from another library service

Australia’s libraries are in constant communication with each other and happily share resources. However, there is a cost of $4.00 per request and an additional charge of up to $32.40 for items supplied by non-public libraries. Please indicate how much you are willing to pay in the notes field on the form below.

To use this service you will need to have a Hornsby Shire library membership number and your password.

Request for an item from another library service

Please note that we cannot make a request for fiction titles published within the last two years or non-fiction titles published within the last year. For these items you will need to suggest a purchase or suggest a purchase and make a reservation.

Request a magazine or journal article

Before you do this, check our eMagazines page to make sure we don’t freely provide the title you are looking for.

If it isn’t there we can request the article from another library service. There is a cost of $4.00 per article  and an additional charge of up to $21.10 for items of up to 25 pages with an additional charge of $4.90 for each additional 25 pages supplied by non-public libraries. Please indicate that you agree to pay the additional fee in the Additional Comments section of the below form.

To use this service you will need to have a Hornsby Shire library membership number and your password.

Request a magazine or journal article