


Access My Account

How do I join?

Once you join online, you will need to visit a Hornsby Shire Library branch within 2 weeks with proof of your identity and address to complete your membership. If you are under the age of 18 and your parent or guardian is unable to accompany you to the library, please print a membership form, have it signed by your parent or guardian and bring it with you to the library. Proof of your identity and address must also be supplied.

Once you have received your library card you may commence using our services.

For assistance please contact the library by email to or contact your local branch.

How do I use my card?

Simply bring your card when you visit any of Hornsby Shire’s libraries and you will be able to borrow, renew and reserve items.

You will also be able to use the computers, printers and photocopiers in the libraries and will have access to the many resources in our eLibrary.

How do I access my membership details?

Simply log into My Account using the membership number on your card and your password you used when joining the library. If you didn't create your own password, you may still have a default password consisting of your date of birth (in the format DDMMYYYY) or the first two letters of your surname in capital letters followed by the last three digits of your membership number (if you joined prior to August 2015). We strongly recommend you change your password as soon as possible.

Once you are logged in you will also have access to your library details, as well as being able to renew, reserve and request items.

What do I do if I lose my card?

Contact any Hornsby Shire’s library immediately and tell us so nobody else can use it to borrow.

If you need a new card there is a $2 replacement fee.

What can I borrow?

You can borrow up to 25 items, though there are limits on some materials.

How long can I borrow for?

Most items can be borrowed for 28 days, while magazines and a variety of other collections can be borrowed for 14 days.

What happens if I return items late?

Fees are charged for items returned after the due date.

Can I renew a loan?

Yes, as long as you have not exceeded the allowed number of renewals and the item is not reserved for another borrower. You will not be allowed to renew the item if it is excessively overdue.

How do I renew items I’ve borrowed?

You can do it online, in person at any branch or by contacting your local library branch.

To renew any items obtained by interlibrary loan, please contact your nearest library.