Re-use Projects
Water re-use initiatives such as stormwater harvesting provides the treatment, storage and reuse of stormwater that is used to irrigate Council parks and operations. Progressively through time stormwater harvesting facilities have been installed at Pennant Hills Nursery, Greenway Park, Berowra Oval, Foxglove Oval, Epping Oval, North Epping Oval, Thornleigh Oval, James Henty Oval, Pennant Hills Park Synthetic Soccer Field, Asquith Oval, Orara Park footpath, Rofe Park, Storey Park, and Normanhurst Park.
Benefits derived from stormwater harvesting include:
- Reduced dependency on potable water
- Reduced volume of polluted stormwater run-off entering local waterways
- Quality of harvested stormwater is improved through treatment processes (e.g. filtration, UV radiation)
- A more water wise Council and community engaged in proactive water conservation practices.