Platypus locally - Hornsby Shire?
Hornsby Shire contains many areas that appear to be suitable habit for platypus including the upper reaches of Berowra Creek and Cowan Creek catchments, particularly those areas in rural or undisturbed bushland catchments.
- The first ever record of a platypus sighting by a European colonist was near the Hawkesbury River in 1797.
- Platypus were also observed in Epping bushland in the early 1900’s.
- In 1976, one was observed at Milson Island on the Hawkesbury River just north of Muogamarra Nature Reserve.
- In 1977, one was observed near Kimmerikong Creek west of Cowan within Muogamarra Nature Reserve itself.
- In 1982, a platypus was observed on the north side of the Hawkesbury River in Dharug National Park.
- In 1983, there were two sightings within Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park along Cockle Creek, just South of Bobbin Head; and near the entrance to Cowan Creek on the northern bank.