One Tree Reach Wetland
One Tree Reach Wetland is a Council owned and managed freshwater wetland that has limited saltwater influence and is located in the lower Hawkesbury estuary near Laughtondale
One Tree Reach wetland provides significant habitat for a diverse range of species (terrestrial and aquatic) and assists with filtration of surface water run-off before entering the river. The wetland is comprised of open water and a variety of habitats including mangrove and a number of endangered vegetation communities (Swamp Mahogany Forest, Floodplain Paperbark Scrub, Forest Red Gum River Flat Forest and Floodplain Reedland) in relatively undisturbed condition. These vegetation communities are forms of Swamp Sclerophyll Forest found principally on coastal floodplains of the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and Southeast Corner Bioregions and are listed as Endangered Ecological Communities (EEC) under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. For this reason, the Wetland is considered to have high conservation value and Council has undertaken significant on-ground and remedial works to improve the overall ecological condition of the wetland, its visual amenity and public accessibility. The wetland is a popular destination for bird watching and features a nature trail, boardwalk and interpretative signs.
The wetland is known to support a diversity of wading and forest bird species including White-faced Heron, Sacred Kingfisher, Purple Swamphen (nesting) and Black Swan (nesting). Fish and crustacean species within the wetland include Gobies, Gudgeons, Australian Bass, Glass Shrimp, Red-fingered Marsh Crabs and Spider Crabs.
One Tree Reach Wetland Gallery