Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides)
One of the world's worst weeds, alligator weed can grow in both aquatic and terrestrial environments. Once established it is extremely hard to eradicate. It has been recorded at several locations in Hornsby Shire, and could be found in ponds, aquariums, fish tanks, water features, dams, and waterways, dumped in bushland or roadsides, or being sold online. It is illegal to import into the State or sell this plant. Notify Council if you see this plant in Hornsby Shire or see evidence of it being traded (including online), carried, grown, or released into the environment. Try to avoid alligator weed from being introduced onto to your land. If you find it on your property, prevent it from spreading from your land where possible, especially into bushland, watercourses, dams, or plant fragments down stormwater drains.
For information on the identification and control of alligator weed, visit