What tree works on Private Property can be undertaken without a permit
In accordance with Council’s Tree Preservation Chapter exemptions
- You can remove a tree where you have provided Council evidence in the form of photographic or video imagery and/or in conjunction with a written statement from an arborist holding a Diploma in Arboriculture:
- It is dead, and it is not the habitat of native wildlife or
- It is an imminent risk to human life and / or is likely to cause substantial damage to your property.
- Removal of deadwood for the purpose of tree maintenance in accordance with the Australian Standard for Pruning of Amenity Trees, 2007 (AS4373-2007)
- Live branches can be pruned only where they are causing nuisance eg if touching your roof you can prune up to 10% of the leaf canopy (area) of a tree on your property
- The tree owner may remove a tree within three (3) metres of an approved dwelling (excluding detached garages, carports and other buildings ancillary to a dwelling / house). This measurement must be taken from the trunk of the tree to the external wall of the building at 1.4 meters above ground level.
- The removal of a tree less than 3 metres in height not located within native vegetation
- You can remove a tree if it is on Council’s list of exempt tree species
- If the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) has designated your property to be in a 10/50 area, you may have access to the entitlement to remove:
- Trees within 10 metres of your home,
- Vegetation / shrubs within 50 metres of your home
All work must be undertaken in accordance with the 10/50 code of practice. Visit the RFS 10/50 vegetation clearing website for more information.