Weeds on non-Council public land

Much public land in Hornsby Shire (such as National Parks, Crown Land, and railway or motorway corridors) is owned or managed by other land authorities, and Council has no say on how they manage their common weeds.

For common, widespread weeds, contact the landholder directly. If you’re not sure who the landholder is, contact Council through the Online Services Portal or email hsc@hornsby.nsw.gov.au and we may be able to help determine who owns or manages the land. Major land managers in Hornsby Shire include:

Regulated and notifiable weeds

Some weeds are regulated under the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015. If you suspect State regulated plants or notifiable regional priority weeds, please contact Council through the Online Services Portal or email hsc@hornsby.nsw.gov.au. A list of all State regulated plants and regional priority weeds relevant to the Greater Sydney Region can be found here. For more information see the section ‘Weeds and the law’ on this webpage.

Noxious weeds

Up until 2017, the main piece of legislation dealing with weeds in NSW was the Noxious Weeds Act 1993, and plants listed under the Act were called ‘noxious weeds.’ This Acthas since been repealed and the term ‘noxious weed’ has no legal meaning and should no longer be used.