
Native Plant Giveaways

native plants tube stock

The next native plant giveaway is scheduled for Friday 16 and Saturday, 17 August 2024 by appointment. Bookings will open Friday, 19 July 2024.

The Native Plant Giveaway is for residential properties in the Hornsby Shire only.

Our regular Native Plant Giveaways provide residents with the opportunity to nurture their local environment by collecting native plants to for their gardens. At our recent Autumn Giveaway event, we were thrilled to welcome green thumbs from 565 residences to the Warada Ngurang Community Nursery, who collectively walked away with 2260 free plants.

Thank you to all volunteers who cultivated plants and provided expert advice to the enthusiastic attendees.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Native Plant Giveaway welcomes residents of Hornsby Shire to Council’s Warada Ngurang Community Nursery to choose and take home complimentary native plants. Every residential property is encouraged to collect up to four free native plants annually. All plants are cultivated by dedicated volunteers and staff at Warada Ngurang Community Nursery in Pennant Hills.

Each property in Hornsby Shire is entitled to receive four free native plants per year.

A total of two Native Plant Giveaways – Winter 2024 days held, on Friday 16 August and Saturday 17 August.

No. Residents can make a booking and attend any one of the two Native Plant Giveaways – Winter 2024 days, no matter what suburb they live in within Hornsby Shire.

Bookings will open on Friday 19 July.

Warada Ngurang Community Nursery is located at 28 Britannia Street, Pennant Hills. For those driving, please park along Britannia Street, taking care not to block any Hornsby Shire Council facility driveways.

Please arrive during your specified booking time at the nursery, and don’t forget to wear sturdy shoes suitable to be walking on gravel. The access paths are generally level, ensuring a comfortable visit.

Your half-hour timeslot allows ample time for you to carefully choose up to four plants.

Children under 16 need to be fully supervised.

There will be a great variety of native plant species to choose from at each session including grasses, groundcovers, shrubs, climbers and various-sized trees.

Information will be provided so that residents can choose the plants that best suit their gardens and pot plants.

The plants will be in small pots (‘tubes’) and are easy to carry ‘as is’ or in reusable shopping bags (BYO).

We will have staff and volunteers on hand to help you select the best plants for your needs.

Information about each species on offer will be displayed on a poster, helping you choose species that will suit the growing conditions in your garden. Details will include the plant species’ size at maturity, its desirable features, and other useful information. We suggest taking a photo of the poster so that these details are handy on your return home. There will also be 'How to Plant' flyers for you to take home.

For further information go to hornsby.nsw.gov.au/nursery

Under the Native Plant Giveaways – Winter 2024 program, residents are strictly limited to attending the nursery at their pre-booked time. Only one booking per property is permitted under this program.

Yes. To receive free plants at the Native Plant Giveaways – Winter 2024 program, you need to provide evidence that you live within Hornsby Shire, so please bring along your driver's licence, rates notice or utility bill (digital or hard copy).

Property addresses (but not names) of free plant recipients will be recorded by Council to monitor distribution and ensure the maximum number of plants per property is not exceeded.

Check out the video below to see what could be achieved in your garden by using local native plants.