How much do I water my new tree?
When planting your new tree the first watering is very important. At least 10 litres should be given to the tree initially for a tubestock size pot ( a full standard bucket). Larger pots correspondingly need more water.
After the initial water, it is important to keep the tree well watered for successful establishment and to encourage strong growth both in shoots and roots.
To determine how much to water, pull back a bit of the mulch and feel the soil:
- Is it dry or moist?
- Is it just dry at the top or dry down deeper?
- How much rain have we had in the last week?
Your answers to these questions will guide you on how much to water the tree.
As a guide in summer you may need to water twice a week, in winter once a week to once every fortnight. It is really important to give the tree a long deep soak rather than frequent light waterings. This will establish deeper roots from the start and protect the tree from drying out in intervals without rain.