Tree and plant species native to Blue Gum High Forest
Below is a list of tree and plant species native to Blue Gum High Forest that you could plant in your garden or on rural acreage. Most are grown at Warada Ngurang Community Nursery.
Lilies, ferns, grass, grass-likes and groundcovers
Australian speedwell, Blue flax lily, Broad leaf panic grass, Button everlasting, Creek grass, Kidney weed, Maidenhair fern, Native violet, Pastel flower, Rainforest cranes bill, Rasp fern, Spiny headed mat rush, Weeping meadow grass, Yellow anthered rock lily

Bearded Tylophora, False sarsparilla, Sweet morinda, Wonga wonga vine

Coffee bush, Graceful bush pea, Handsome flat pea, Hop wattle, Lance beard heath, Myrtle wattle, Native indigo, Notched bush pea, Rough fruited pittosporum, Sago flower, Sandfly zieria, Scentless rosewood

Blackbutt, Blueberry ash, Forest Sheoak, Grey ironbark, Hickory wattle, Lilly pilly, Rough barked apple gum, Sydney blue gum, Turpentine, Variable muttonwood