
Waitara Park Precinct

Waitara Park oval

Council is undertaking significant capital works within the Waitara Park Precinct to provide increased and improved open space for the local community.


Council adopted the Waitara Park Plan of Management in 2015. This document provides a master plan for the future development and management of Waitara Park. The redevelopment of Waitara Park Precinct will comprise of a number of individual projects as outlined below.

Grandstand Redevelopment

Construction Notification Signage and Public Toilet Map (PDF  600KB)

February 2025

In February 2025, demolition works of the existing pavilion, ground floor slab and existing footings were undertaken.

Following completion of demolition works, detailed excavation works commenced in preparation of the site for installation of services and footings as required for the new pavilion structure.

ground slab dug up

January 2025

In January 2025, demolition works commenced on the existing Mark Taylor Oval grandstand. Demolition works will continue into February.

Temporary construction fencing has been erected around the work site and site signage installed advising the community of the works.

Mark Taylor Oval grandstand construction

December 2024

In January 2025, Council will commence construction on the grandstand at Mark Taylor Oval.

The works include new:

  • Canteen
  • Public Toilets
  • Storage Areas
  • Official’s Changeroom
  • Club / Community Room
  • Scorer’s Room

Initially, works will be focused on demolition, detailed excavation, services installation and refurbishment of the Heritage Listed building.

During this period of works, the existing public toilets will remain accessible.

During constriction, the area directly around the grandstand will be fenced off and unavailable for use. The oval will be open and available for use.

The works are scheduled to be completed in late 2025.

July 2024

Following approval of a Development Application in April 2024, Council will be upgrading the existing Mark Taylor Oval grandstand.

The works will include:

  • Demolition of the 1990’s grandstand extension (the half of the building closest to the PCYC)
  • Interior refurbishment to the ground floor changerooms of the heritage grandstand to provide accessible facilities
  • Conversion of the existing free standing public toilets to storage
  • Construction of a new pavilion directly adjacent to the retained heritage grandstand which will include:
    • Canteen
    • Public toilets
    • Storage areas
    • Official’s changeroom
    • Club / community room
    • Scorer’s room

Funding for this project has been provided by a grant from the NSW Government.

Waitara Grandstand artist impression

Waitara Grandstand artist impression

Indoor Cricket Centre

Indoor cricket centre external viewIndoor cricket centre internal view

Construction for the new Indoor Cricket Centre was completed in late December 2022, with a formal opening scheduled for 1 February 2023. The Indoor Cricket Centre contains 4 indoor wicket lanes and a viewing area to the outdoor cricket nets. The facility has bifold doors which enable ease of access to the outdoor cricket nets and the oval for extra-long run ups.

The Indoor Cricket Centre also includes a new groundman’s shed and an underground OSD and irrigation tank to water the oval turf.

Mark Taylor Oval Upgrade

In November 2022, Mark Taylor Oval was re-opened to the public after major construction works commenced in late 2021. The works included improving the oval playing surface, installation of new drainage and irrigation, and construction of a 3m high lightweight safety netting around part of the northern, eastern and western boundaries to assist in retaining balls within the oval and protecting other park users.

Mark Taylor oval aerial

Cricket Wickets

In 2022 and 2023, NSW experienced a state-wide shortage of cricket wicket soil due to the La Nina wet weather event. This resulted in the oval being completed and opened for use without a central cricket wicket, or cricket practice nets.

In late 2023, cricket wicket soil became available and was installed in the central wicket (in December 2023) and the cricket practice nets (in March 2024). Both wickets will remain fenced off while the turf grows and establishes.

freshly laid turf on oval

Mark Taylor Oval - cricket wickets

Tennis Courts

Construction of the Waitara Park Tennis Courts were completed in late 2017. The facilities include six new courts which also double up as a flood detention basin to help mitigate down-stream flooding issues.

Waitara Tennis Courts

Amenities Building

amenities building 2amenitites building 1 In association with the Tennis Courts, construction of the new Amenities Building was also completed in August 2018.  This new facility, designed by Phillips-Marler architects, provides a new clubspace that supports the new courts (currently leased by the Kim Warwick Tennis Academy) as well as new public amenities.  This building has raised the bar in terms of sustainable design, and includes a 10,000ltr water harvesting tank, solar panels and generous roof overhangs to provide outdoor shade.  The building also includes a system of electronically controlled fans and louvres which assist natural ventilation to help to keep the building cool in summer, and avoid the need for air conditioning. The building has been designed to house a kiosk which will service the courts and new playground on the western side.

Waitara Park Inclusive Playground

Waitara Park Inclusive Playspace Construction of the new inclusive playground was completed in 2019. Designed by Council and jointly funded by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, the new playground provides a variety of play equipment options to suit a broad range of ages and abilities.

The playground is fully fenced and also includes shade sails, seating, picnic shelters, barbeques and extensive garden beds with tree plantings. Accessible parking, a drop-off/pick-up point and tree plantings assist in allowing people to get to and stay in the playground.

Three new exercise stations were constructed on the north-eastern side of Mark Taylor Oval to complement the circuit footpath around the oval.

PCYC Facility


Construction was completed for a new PCYC facility in September 2017. This new facility includes:

  • indoor courts for netball and basketball, exercise, dance, drama, boxing
  • meeting rooms
  • 87 underground car parking spaces
  • appealing external open space for the community including terraces with hammocks, seats and outdoor table tennis.
Park Avenue

New drainage works in Park Avenue and additional car parking along the Waitara Park frontage on Park Avenue were completed in 2018.