
Montview Oval Amenities Upgrade

Improvements to the amenities and toilets are scheduled to commence construction in October 2024 and be completed in mid 2025.

The project is to be funded through the NSW Government Female Friendly Facilities program following a successful grant application by Hornsby Heights Sports Club. Council will also contribute to the project through the SRV amenity improvement program.

The key elements of the project include:

  • Improved toilet facilities for sportsground users and the general community, including accessible toilet facilities. Currently 2 female and 2 male toilets cater for over 800 sport paticipants for the site
  • Improved change rooms facilities to cater for the increase in sport participation, in particular female participation
  • Improved storage for the users of Montview Oval

Following detailed considerations of the site, the proposed location for the facilities has been based on:

  • Safety by design considerations. This includes access to toilets being available from the oval rather than through the car park
  • Proximity to neighbouring properties
  • Location of existing services
  • Impacts to existing vegetation

The project will involve the relocation of the small playground equipment adjacent to the amenities building to the existing playground area in the north west corner of the park. Three trees will also require removal with up to 10 replacement trees will be planted on site in suitable locations.



For enquiries please contact Andrew Flick, Parks Assets Coordinator, Parks, Trees and Recreation on (02) 9847 6892.