  • A lack of space / facility access will lead to increasing numbers of participants being turned away from sport
  • Increasing physical inactivity, sedentary leisure behaviour and related health and disease impacts for the local community
  • Reducing benefits brought about by participation in sport and physical activity including reduced social cohesion, and life skills.
  • With lower participation in sports from reduced access to facilities, there is also a correlation with declining health and overall increase in health cost
  • Existing sportsgrounds are used more intensively, thereby generating conflict between passive and active users
  • Dedicated sports participants will be required to travel further afield for opportunities to access suitable facilities
  • Generational inequity – the previous population had ready access to sportsgrounds for sport, whilst the new generation and incoming populations lacks the same access
  • Over time, under the current population and participation growth trajectory, the gap between sports facility demand and supply, will continue to grow.