Is Council proposing new access roads from Kooringal Avenue or the powerline easement?
No, there are no additional access roads proposed on Kooringal Avenue of the powerline easement. A bike trail will connect to the park at the boundary of this property that includes the powerline easement, but there will no access from Kooringal Avenue.
As a part of Council’s negotiations with Sydney Water around access for the Westleigh Park project, Sydney Water required Council to investigate all possible access arrangements.
The traffic report has assessed these three options and found the Sefton Road extension provides the best connection. As reflected in the Master Plan, the extension of Sefton Road to Quarter Sessions Road is the only new access road being proposed as a part of the Westleigh Park project and Council has obtained in-principal support from Sydney Water for this road.
We’re currently finalising a traffic impact assessment with Bitzios Consulting and this will support the Quarter Sessions Road access for Stage 1 and the Sefton Road extension and Warrigal Drive access for Stage 2.