The Module, Beecroft
An artist's impression of 'The Module Shopping Centre' on the corner of Beecroft Rd and Hannah St, Beecroft
Council recently approved the redevelopment of the Module Shopping Centre at 87-91 & 95 Beecroft Road and 16-24 Hannah Street, Beecroft. The development involves the demolition of the existing buildings on site and construction of a mixed use commercial and residential building with 122 residential units, ground floor commercial level comprising a supermarket and speciality shops, retail space and three levels of basement parking.
The development also includes a central landscaped plaza, with pedestrian links from Beecroft Road and Hannah Street.
Find out more about this development
Enquiries and complaints
Any of the following issues in relation to the development site should be reported to Eastwood Local Area Command on (02) 9858 9299:
- Speeding trucks
- Vehicles disobeying road rules
- Damage to private property by construction trucks
Any concerns regarding parking should be reported to Councils Traffic branch on (02) 9847 6616. Any concerns regarding non compliances with the sites development consent should be reported to Councils Environmental Compliance Team on (02) 9847 6829 for investigation.
Progress updates
Week commencing 10 April
- Continue internal wall sheeting
- Continue external brickwork and framing
- Pour the Level 1 tenancy floor slabs
- Continue loading out of formwork material
The site will close for Easter on Thursday 13th and re-open on Tuesday 18th April.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents.
Week commencing 3 April
- The external wall framing will continue in preparation for brickwork;
- Façade brickwork will continue to be undertaken;
- Services rough-ins to Levels 1 and 2 residential areas will continue;
- The internal fitout for commercial space will continue on the ground floor this week;
- Concrete has now been completed on the Building A roof slab, with all major structural works now completed.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
Week commencing 20 March
- Formwork will continue for the suspended slabs;
- Pour one slab throughout the course of this week;
- Commence external wall framing in preparation for brickwork;
- Commence brickwork on Level 1;
- Complete blockwork tenancy walls on Ground Floor;
- Continue services rough-in to Ground Floor retail.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council’s Officer has continued to monitor the area surrounding The Module, specifically for rubbish; concluding that the vast improvement recorded the previous week has continued.
Week commencing 13 March
- Formwork will continue for the suspended slabs;
- Pour one slab throughout the course of this week;
- Commence external wall framing in preparation for brickwork;
- Commence brickwork on Level 1;
- Complete blockwork tenancy walls on Ground Floor and continue services installations;
- Install substation kiosks to Beecroft Road for permanent power..
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council’s Officer has continued to monitor the area surrounding The Module, specifically for rubbish; concluding that vast improvement has been recorded. It may have been noticed by local residents that the installation of signage and sand buckets for cigarette butts have been undertaken; this will hopefully decrease the litter in the area.
- Council’s Officer instructed the builder of The Module to install new sediment controls over the past weekend; it can now be confirmed that it has occurred.
Week commencing 6 March
- Formwork will continue for the suspended slabs;
- Pour one slab throughout the course of this week;
- Commence external wall framing in preparation for brickwork;
- Commence brickwork on Level 1;
- Continue services rough-ins to Level 1 residential areas and Level 1 plant rooms;
- Continue services rough-ins and blockwork tenancy walls to Ground Floor Retail.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council received concerns last week regarding the build-up of rubbish within the planter boxes along Hannah Street. The Project Manager for ‘The Module’ has now agreed to further increase the efforts on getting the boxes regularly cleaned out and put in place increased sand buckets for cigarette butts to be discarded. Council’s Officers will continue to monitor the surrounding areas to ensure these commitments are met.
Week commencing 27 February
- Formwork will continue for the suspended slabs;
- Pour one slab throughout the course of this week;
- Commence external wall framing in preparation for brickwork;
- Continue services rough-ins to Level 1 residential areas and Level 1 plant rooms;
- Continue services rough-ins and blockwork tenancy walls to Ground Floor Retail.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council is happy to announce that the reinstalled of the bus bench at the corner of Wongala Crescent and Chapman Avenue has occurred; it is now free to use for all surrounding residents
Week commencing 30 January
- Formwork will continue for the suspended slabs;
- Pour one slab throughout the course of this week;
- Commence internal blockwork walls, mechanical duct, cable tray and drainage to Woolworths;
- Continue blockwork to Ground floor retail level including Woolworths Supermarket and to Basement B2 loading dock;
- Continue services rough-in to Ground Floor retail;
- Continue installation of Loading Dock Goods Hoists.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Builders within the precinct have been asked to renew the sediment controls at their sites to ensure upmost protection for the environment is maintained.
Week commencing 23 January
- Formwork will continue for the suspended slabs;
- Pour one slab throughout the course of this week;
- Commence blockwork to Ground floor retail level including Woolworths Supermarket and to Basement B2 loading dock;
- Commence services rough-in to Ground Floor retail;
- Install Loading Dock Goods Hoists.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- The footpath along the Hannah Street frontage has now been reopened, allowing pedestrians to once again utilise this space.
Week commencing 9 January
- Formwork will continue for the suspended slabs;
- Pour one slab throughout the course of this week;
- The footpath along the Hannah Street frontage is temporarily closed due to a stormwater connection. It is expected that these works will be completed by the end of the week, leaving the footpath to be reopened. We are sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for your patients
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- It may have been noticed that the two development sites along Chapman Avenue, specifically 25-27A Wongala Crescent and 1A Chapman Avenue, and 1-5 Chapman Avenue, are nearing completion in the coming weeks. With this said, construction congestion will hopefully ease throughout the precinct.
Week commencing 19 December
- Formwork will continue for the suspended slabs;
- Pouring of walls will also continue;
- Pour one slab throughout the course of this week;
- It is noted that the site will close on Friday 23rd December 2016 and will re-open Tuesday 3rd January 2017.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council is happy to report that the bus bench previously removed from the corner of Wongala Crescent and Chapman Avenue will be reinstalled in the coming weeks.
Week commencing 5 December
- Minimal works on site are expected from Saturday 3/12/16 until Tuesday 6/12/16 with the majority of trades observing the “Builder’s Picnic” days off;
- Formwork will continue for the suspended slabs;
- Pouring of basement walls will also continue;
- Pour one slab throughout the course of this week;
- It is noted that the temporary steel gantry structure has been completed and concrete pumping operations have commenced from within the site with no further contra-flow establishments expected for the remaining structural works.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Site managers have been reminded to clean the surrounding areas of their sites, with regular rubbish cleaning to occur within the Precinct.
- Council is happy to report that the bus bench previously removed from the corner of Wongala Crescent and Chapman Avenue will be reinstalled this week.
- With the reinstatement of Council’s assets occurring along Chapman Avenue, Council requests that pedestrians maintain their safety whilst within the area by complying to the instructions of the traffic/pedestrian controls.
Week commencing 21 November
- Formwork will continue for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pouring of basement walls will also continue;
- Pour one Basement slab throughout the course of this week;
- Complete erection of the temporary concrete pumping steel structure and commission the concrete pump in the driveway. This will take major concrete pour activities off Hannah Street.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Site managers have been reminded to clean the surrounding areas of their sites, with regular rubbish cleaning to occur within the Precinct.
Week commencing 14 November
- Formwork will continue for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pouring of basement walls will also continue;
- Pour one Basement slab throughout the course of this week;
- Commence erection of a temporary structural steel gantry for materials handling over the car park driveway (inside the site).
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Site managers have been reminded to clean the surrounding areas of their sites, with regular rubbish cleaning to occur within the Precinct.
- Two of the development sites in Chapman Avenue are nearing completion, and as such, the restoration of Councils assets are currently underway. This may cause some disruption to local residents using the footpaths, though will be kept to a minimum. Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated throughout this period.
Week commencing 31 October
- Formwork will continue for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pouring of basement walls will also continue;
- Pour one Basement slab throughout the course of this week;
- Commission and commencing the operation of Tower Crane 2 will be undertaken this week, as its’ installation last week was successful.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Site managers have been reminded to clean the surrounding areas of their sites, with regular rubbish cleaning to occur within the Precinct.
Week commencing 24 October
- Formwork will continue for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pouring of basement walls will also continue;
- Pour one Basement slab throughout the course of this week;
- Scaffold erection will commence along the eastern and northern boundaries;
- The second tower crane will erected this week by a mobile crane stablished on the basement driveway (within site).
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Site managers were asked to renew their sediment controls within the Beecroft Precinct, specially sand bags located in the surrounding gutters.
Week commencing 17 October
- Formwork will continue for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pouring of basement walls will also continue;
- Pour one Basement slab throughout the course of this week.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
Week commencing 10 October
- Formwork will continue for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pouring of basement walls will also continue;
- Continue reinforcing and post tensioning installation to the future car park entry driveway off Hannah Street;
- Pour one Basement slab throughout the course of this week.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- With the restoration of the footpath along the frontage of the development site on the Wongala Crescent now completed, the site will now be continuing by undertaking the restoration of the frontage along Chapman Avenue. Pedestrian and traffic controls will be in place to ensure the safety of the public whilst within the vicinity.
- Site Managers have been reminded that the surrounding areas to their sites need to be regularly cleaned to ensure a rubbish free environment. All sites have committed to undertaking a clean-up multiple times weekly.
Week commencing 3 October
- ‘The Module’ will close from the afternoon of Friday 30/9/16 and will re-open after the long weekend on Wednesday 5/10/16. Ausgrid will be working in Hannah Street on Tuesday 4/10/16 undertaking electrical works on both sides of the street with pedestrian diversions in place;
- Formwork will continue for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pouring of basement walls will also continue;
- Commence reinforcing and post tensioning installation to the future car park entry driveway off Hannah Street;
- Pour one Basement slab throughout the course of this week;
- Erect tower sections only for the second Tower Crane on the eastern boundary, this was moved over from last week due to delays. Crane head to be erected in later October.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council’s Officer requested that the grass along Beecroft road be maintained, to which the builder has since arranged for this to be completed.
- Council’s Officer requested that the footpath along the frontage of the development site at the corner of Wongala Crescent and Chapman Avenue once again be open to the public after its reinstated. This is now clear for pedestrians to safely pass.
Week commencing 26 September
- Continue formwork for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pouring of basement walls;
- Pour one Basement slab throughout the course of this week;
- Erect tower sections only for the second Tower Crane on the eastern boundary. Crane head to be erected in October.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council’s Rangers have continued to monitor the precinct and surrounding area for parking violations within the Beecroft Precinct.
- Council’s Officer requested that all sediment controls for the surrounding storm water system to ‘The Module’ are renewed weekly to avoid any issues.
Week commencing 19 September
- Continue formwork for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pouring of basement walls;
- Pour one Basement slab throughout the course of this week.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Concerns have been raised regarding the use of the 1 hour parking bays in Hannah Street and the use of them by builders associated with The Module. Council has reminded the builder that workers can utilise parking within the surrounding streets, though parking restrictions must be adhered to.
- Council’s Rangers have continued to monitor the precinct and surrounding area for parking violations relating to trucks servicing the sites within the Beecroft Precinct. A number of on-the-spot fines have been issued, with continued monitoring to be undertaken.
Week commencing 12 September
- Continue formwork for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pour one Basement slab throughout the course of this week.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Concerns have been raised regarding the use of the 1 hour parking bays in Hannah Street and the use of them by builders associated with The Module. Council has reminded the builder that workers can utilise parking within the surrounding streets, though parking restrictions must be adhered to.
- Council’s Rangers have continued to monitor the precinct and surrounding area for parking violations relating to trucks servicing the sites within the Beecroft Precinct. A number of on-the-spot fines have been issued, with continued monitoring to be undertaken.
Week commencing 5 September
- Continue formwork for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pour one Basement slab throughout the course of this week;
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Concerns have been raised regarding the use of the 1 hour parking bays in Hannah Street and the use of them by builders associated with The Module. Council has reminded the builder that workers can utilise parking within the surrounding streets, though parking restrictions must be adhered to.
- Council’s Rangers have continued to monitor the precinct and surrounding area for parking violations relating to trucks servicing the sites within the Beecroft Precinct. A number of on-the-spot fines have been issued, with continued monitoring to be undertaken.
Week commencing 29 August
- Continue formwork for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pour one Basement slab throughout the course of this week;
- Reinforcing of pad footings and drainage in the newly excavated zone;
- As of last week, all bulk and detail excavation has now been completed.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Concerns have been raised regarding the use of the 1 hour parking bays in Hannah Street and the use of them by builders associated with The Module. Council has reminded the builder that workers can utilise parking within the surrounding streets, though parking restrictions must be adhered to.
- Council’s Rangers have continued to monitor the precinct and surrounding area for parking violations relating to trucks servicing the sites within the Beecroft Precinct. A number of on-the-spot fines have been issued, with continued monitoring to be undertaken.
Week commencing 22 August
- Continue formwork for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- A concrete pour will occur this week, requiring a secondary concrete pump occupying one lane of Beecroft Road between 10am and 3pm; this is in accordance with the RMS approved Road Occupancy Licence. It will be the only pour requiring two concrete pumps throughout the course of this development;
- Complete loading out of excavation material on Hannah Street, including pedestrian diversions to the southern side of the street;
- Reinforcing of pad footings and drainage in the newly excavated zone.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- A permit was granted by Council for a concrete pour to continue beyond the approved construction work hours of 5pm last Thursday (18/08/16). Unforeseen circumstances were seen to occur throughout the morning, with an unavoidable delay in the completion of the works.
- Concerns have been raised regarding the use of the 1 hour parking bays in Hannah Street and the use of them by builders associated with The Module. Council has reminded the builder that workers can utilise parking within the surrounding streets, though parking restrictions must be adhered to.
Week commencing 15 August
- Continue formwork for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pour one Basement slab throughout the course of this week;
- Continue removal of the basement vehicle access ramp;
- Reinforcing and shotcrete to south-eastern shoring wall at ramp.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Concerns have been raised regarding the use of the 1 hour parking bays in Hannah Street and the use of them by builders associated with The Module. Council has reminded the builder that workers can utilise parking within the surrounding streets, though parking restrictions must be adhered to.
Week commencing 1 August
- Continuation of detail excavation for pad footings, lift pits and stair bases the south-eastern side of the site;
- Continue reinforcing and concrete to pad footings, lift and stair bases;
- Continue formwork for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pour one Basement slab throughout the course of this week;
- Continue removal of the basement vehicle access ramp;
- Reinforcing and shotcrete to south-eastern shoring wall at ramp.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Concerns have been raised regarding the use of the 1 hour parking bays in Hannah Street and the use of them by builders associated with The Module. Council has reminded the builder that workers can utilise parking within the surrounding streets, though parking restrictions must be adhered to.
- Council has continued monitoring the road surfaces surrounding the development site to ensure minimal dirt is present. With the amount of trucks servicing the site being significantly reduced, the control over these perimeters is becoming easier to control.
Week commencing 25 July
- Continuation of detail excavation for pad footings, lift pits and stair bases the south-eastern side of the site;
- Continue reinforcing and concrete to pad footings, lift and stair bases;
- Continue formwork for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pour one Basement slab throughout the course of this week;
- Continue removal of the basement vehicle access ramp.
- Reinforcing and shotcrete to south-eastern shoring wall at ramp.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Concerns have been raised regarding the use of the 1 hour parking bays in Hannah Street and the use of them by builders associated with The Module. Council has reminded the builder that workers can utilise parking within the surrounding streets, though parking restrictions must be adhered to.
- Council has continued monitoring the road surfaces surrounding the development site to ensure minimal dirt is present. With the amount of trucks servicing the site being significantly reduced, the control over these perimeters is becoming easier to control.
Week commencing 18 July
- Continuation of detail excavation for pad footings, lift pits and stair bases the eastern side of the site;
- Continue reinforcing and concrete to pad footings, lift and stair bases;
- Continue formwork for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pour two Basement slabs throughout the over the course of two days this week;
- Continue removal of the basement vehicle access ramp.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council has continued monitoring the road surfaces surrounding the development site to ensure minimal dirt is present. With the amount of trucks servicing the site being significantly reduced, the control over these perimeters is becoming easier to control.
Week commencing 11 July
- Continuation of detail excavation for pad footings, lift pits and stair bases the eastern side of the site;
- Continue reinforcing and concrete to pad footings, lift and stair bases;
- Continue formwork for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pour two Basement slabs throughout the over the course of two days this week.
- Commence removal of the basement vehicle access ramp.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council has continued monitoring the road surfaces surrounding the development site to ensure minimal dirt is present. With the amount of trucks servicing the site being significantly reduced, the control over these perimeters is becoming easier to control.
Week commencing 4 July
- Continuation of detail excavation for pad footings, lift pits and stair bases the eastern side of the site;
- Continue reinforcing and concrete to pad footings, lift and stair bases;
- Continue formwork for the Basement suspended slabs and ground slabs;
- Pour two Basement slabs throughout the over the course of two days this week.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council has continued monitoring the road surfaces surrounding the development site to ensure minimal dirt is present. With the amount of trucks servicing the site being significantly reduced, the control over these perimeters is becoming easier to control.
Week commencing 27 June
- Continuation of detail excavation for pad footings, lift pits and stair bases the eastern side of the site;
- Continue reinforcing and concrete to pad footings, lift and stair bases;
- Pour the Basement (B3) Area 2 ground slab and Basement (B2) Area 1 suspended slab;
- Prepare the third basement ground slab (Area 3) to be concreted the following week;
- Commence formwork for the Basement (B2) suspended slab in Area 2 and commence reinforcing and post tensioning;
- Install site sheds to the northern boundary.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council has continued monitoring the road surfaces surrounding the development site to ensure minimal dirt is present. With the amount of trucks servicing the site being significantly reduced, the control over these perimeters is becoming easier to control.
Week commencing 20 June
- Continuation of detail excavation for pad footings, lift pits and stair bases the eastern side of the site;
- Continue reinforcing and concrete to pad footings, lift and stair bases;
- Continue in-ground drainage pipework to the eastern side of the basement;
- Prepare the second basement ground slab to be concreted the following week;
- Continue formwork to the first Basement B2 suspended slab and commence reinforcing and post tensioning.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council has continued monitoring the road surfaces surrounding the development site to ensure minimal dirt is present. With the amount of trucks servicing the site being significantly reduced, the control over these perimeters is becoming easier to control.
Week commencing 13 June
- Continuation of detail excavation for pad footings, lift pits and stair bases the eastern side of the site;
- Continue reinforcing and concrete to pad footings, lift and stair bases;
- Continue in-ground drainage pipework to the eastern side of the basement;
- Begin forming and laying reinforcing mesh for the second basement ground slab to be concreted the following week;
- The site will be closed for the long week between Saturday afternoon (11/06/16) and reopen Wednesday (15/06/16).
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council has continued monitoring the road surfaces surrounding the development site to ensure minimal dirt is present. With the amount of trucks servicing the site being significantly reduced, the control over these perimeters is becoming easier to control.
- With the large amount of rain that accumulated in the site excavation after the storm event last week, the builder has incorporated a large scale filtration system occupying the entry/exit of the site. It is known as a ‘wetsep water filtration system’ that has been designed to treat continuous flows of contaminated water and includes a dual channel pH controller to return the water to natural levels prior to release.
- Council’s Rangers have continued to monitor the precinct and surrounding area for parking violations relating to trucks servicing the sites within the Beecroft Precinct. A number of on-the-spot fines have been issued, with continued monitoring to be undertaken.
Week commencing 6 June
- Continue detail excavation for pad footings, lift pits and stair bases the eastern side of the site;
- Continue reinforcing and concrete to pad footings, lift and stair bases;
- Continue in-ground drainage pipework to the eastern side of the basement;
- The first basement slab will be poured this week on the western side of the site;
- Installation of additional site shed buildings on the northern boundary will be undertaken.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council has continued monitoring the road surfaces surrounding the development site to ensure minimal dirt is present. With the amount of trucks servicing the site being significantly reduced, the control over these perimeters is becoming easier to control.
- Last week, Council requested that the builder was to redo all of the sediment control devices around the site entrance to ensure the protection from any form of pollution event.
- Council’s Rangers have continued to monitor the precinct and surrounding area for parking violations relating to trucks servicing the sites within the Beecroft Precinct. A number of on-the-spot fines have been issued, with continued monitoring to be undertaken.
Week commencing 30 May
- Erection of the first tower crane will be undertaken on Monday 30/5/16. A mobile crane will be established within the site with unloading of the crane’s components from the Hannah Street works zone;
- Continuation of detail excavation for pad footings, lift pits and stair bases the eastern side of the site;
- Continue reinforcing and concrete to pad footings, lift and stair bases;
- Continue in-ground drainage pipework to the western side of the basement;
- Periodic loading out of excavation spoil with approximately 6 truck movements on these days. Associated with this, road base fill will be imported for preparation of the basement ground slabs;
- Begin forming and laying reinforcing mesh and pour concrete to the first of 4 basement ground slabs.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council has continued monitoring the road surfaces surrounding the development site to ensure minimal dirt is present. With the amount of trucks servicing the site being significantly reduced, the control over these perimeters is becoming easier to control.
- Council’s Rangers have continued to monitor the precinct and surrounding area for parking violations relating to trucks servicing the sites within the Beecroft Precinct. A number of on-the-spot fines have been issued, with continued monitoring to be undertaken.
Week commencing 23 May
- Reinforcing of shoring walls with anchors and shotcrete application to continue on the eastern shoring walls;
- Monitoring of the Beecroft Road shoring wall will continue, with primary focus on vibration effects;
- Continuation of detail excavation for pad footings, lift pits and stair bases the eastern side of the site;
- Continue reinforcing and concrete to pad footings, lift and stair bases;
- Continue in-ground drainage pipework to the western side of the basement;
- Establishment of the site Work Zone in Hannah Street from Monday 23/05/16;
- Substantially complete bulk excavation and loading out of spoil with only the site access ramp to remain in place for another 3-4 weeks. As a consequence, truck movements will be less frequent.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council has also received concerns regarding the dirt/dust present on Hannah Street outside of ‘The Module’. It has once again been organised with the builder that a hydo-scrubber will be used to clean the road on a weekly basis, or in the event of larger tracking, multiple times weekly. Last week, cleaning of the surrounding footpath area was undertaken, which will also be undertaken regularly. Monitoring of these factors will be undertaken continually to ensure that the surrounding surfaces have minimal dirt present.
- Council’s Rangers have continued to monitor the precinct and surrounding area for parking violations relating to trucks servicing the sites within the Beecroft Precinct. A number of on-the-spot fines have been issued, with continued monitoring to be undertaken.
Week commencing 16 May
- Reinforcing of shoring walls with anchors and shotcrete application to continue;
- Monitoring of the Beecroft Road shoring wall will continue, with primary focus on vibration effects;
- Continuation of detail excavation for pad footings, lift pits and stair bases;
- Continue reinforcing and concrete to pad footings, lift and stair bases;
- Commence in-ground drainage pipework to the western side of the basement;
- Drilling of earthing rods at basement level for the future electrical substation;
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 40 trucks movements in and out of the site daily as the final levels are reached.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council has also received concerns regarding the dirt/dust present on Hannah Street outside of ‘The Module’. It has been organised with the contractor that a hydo-scrubber will be used to clean the road on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, where necessary. This will be continually monitored to ensure that the road surface has minimal dirt present.
- Council’s Rangers have continued to monitor the precinct and surrounding area for parking violations relating to trucks servicing the sites within the Beecroft Precinct. A number of on-the-spot fines have been issued, with continued monitoring to be undertaken.
Week commencing 9 May
- Reinforcing of shoring walls with anchors and shotcrete application to continue;
- Monitoring of the Beecroft Road shoring wall will continue, with primary focus on vibration effects;
- Continuation of excavation for pad footings, lift pits and stair bases on the western side of the basement;
- Continue reinforcing and concrete to pad footings, lift and stair bases;
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 60 trucks movements in and out of the site daily.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Council’s Rangers have continued to monitor the precinct and surrounding area for parking violations relating to trucks servicing the sites within the Beecroft Precinct. A number of on-the-spot fines have been issued, with continued monitoring to be undertaken.
Week commencing 2 May
- Reinforcing of shoring walls with anchors and shotcrete application to continue;
- Monitoring of the Beecroft Road shoring wall will continue, with primary focus on vibration effects;
- Continuation of detail excavation for pad footings, lift pits and stair bases on the western side of the basement;
- Commence reinforcing and concrete to pad footings, lift and stair bases;
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 60 trucks movements in and out of the site daily;
- With bulk excavation nearing completion along the western site of the site, primary focus will now move to the eastern side.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
- Being that the construction sites within the Beecroft Precinct will be shut over the Anzac Day long weekend, all sites have been reminded that their frontages need to be well maintained, taking into account rubbish removal, grass cutting and general tidying;
- * Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control.
Week commencing 25 April
- Reinforcement of shoring walls with anchors and shotcrete application will continue;
- There will be continued monitoring of the Beecroft Road shoring wall, with primary focus on vibration effects;
- Commencement of detail excavation for pad footings, lift pits and stair bases on the western side of the basement;
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 60 truck movements in and out of the site daily;
- Bulk excavation will be substantially completed along the western side of the site by the end of this week, with a focus on the eastern side in the coming weeks
- The site will close for the Anzac Day long weekend from the afternoon of Friday, 22nd April 2016 with works recommencing on Wednesday, 27th April 2016.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control. Continual monitoring of the surrounding areas of the building sites is being conducted;
- Being that the construction sites within the Beecroft Precinct will be shut over the Anzac Day long weekend, all sites have been reminded that their frontages need to be well maintained, taking into account rubbish removal, grass cutting and general tidying;
- Council’s Rangers have been monitoring the area for parking infringements relating to trucks servicing the sites within the Beecroft Precinct. A number of on-the-spot fines have been issued, with continued monitoring to be undertaken by Council’s Rangers in this area.
Week commencing 18 April
- Reinforcement of shoring walls with anchors and shotcrete application will continue;
- Construction of the capping beam along the eastern boundary will continue;
- There will be continued monitoring of the Beecroft Road shoring wall, with primary focus on vibration effects;
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 60 truck movements in and out of the site daily;
- Excavation along the Beecroft Road, western boundary shoring wall, encountered harder than expected rock material and therefore wasn’t completed last week. Works associated with this excavation will continue this week.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to noise and sediment control. Continual monitoring of the surrounding areas of the building sites is being conducted, and builders are reminded to undertake regular rubbish removal
- In accordance with continued concerns raised regarding trucks parking illegally in Wongala Crescent, Beecroft in the early mornings, Councils Rangers have continued to monitor the area and have issued fines to those trucks found parking in no stopping areas. Continued monitoring will be undertaken by Councils Rangers in this area.
- Following concerns raised regarding traffic control outside the entry/exit of the Module site, a second traffic controller has been implemented to safely control the flow of traffic along Hannah Street.
Week commencing 11 April
- Reinforcement of shoring walls with anchors and shotcrete application will continue;
- Reinforcement of shoring walls with anchors and shotcrete application will continue;
- Construction of the capping beam along the eastern boundary will continue;
- There will be continued monitoring of the Beecroft Road shoring wall, with primary focus on vibration effects;
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 60 truck movements in and out of the site daily;
- Excavation along the Beecroft Road, western boundary shoring wall, is expected to reach final excavation level during the course of the week.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to traffic, noise and sediment control. Continual monitoring of the surrounding areas of the building sites is being conducted, and builders are reminded to undertake regular rubbish removal.
- Concerns have been raised regarding trucks parking illegally in Wongala Crescent, Beecroft in the early morning. As a result, Councils Rangers have been monitoring the area and have issued fines for those trucks found parking in no stopping areas. Monitoring will continue to be undertaken by Councils Rangers in this area.
- Concerns were raised last week regarding traffic control outside the entry/exit of the Module site. Upon investigation, Council has since requested that a second traffic controller is implemented to safely control the flow of traffic along Hannah Street.
Week commencing 4 April
- Reinforcement of shoring walls with anchors and shotcrete application will continue;
- Construction of the capping beam along the eastern boundary will continue;
- There will be continued monitoring of the Beecroft Road shoring wall, with primary focus on vibration effects;
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 60 truck movements in and out of the site daily;
- As it currently stands, the majority of bulk excavation is expected to be completed within the week of the 18th April, whilst 100% completion of excavation is expected around early to mid-May. With this in mind, it is expected that the volume of trucks will be reduced from their current levels by the end of April.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to traffic, noise and sediment control. Continual monitoring of the surrounding areas of the building sites is being conducted, and builders are reminded to undertake regular rubbish removal.
- Concerns have been raised regarding dust suppression at The Module site. The builder has committed to boosting the already incorporated methods used, in order to hopefully maintain minimal impact upon the surrounding community in relation to dust emissions.
Week commencing 28 March
- Reinforcement of shoring walls with anchors and shotcrete application will continue;
- Construction of the capping beam along the eastern boundary will commence;
- There will be continued monitoring of the Beecroft Road shoring wall, with primary focus on vibration effects;
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 60 truck movements in and out of the site daily;
- The site will close for the Easter break from the afternoon of Thursday, 24rd March 2016 and works will recommence on Wednesday, 30th March 2016.
- Being that the construction sites within the Beecroft Precinct will be shut over the Easter period, all sites have been reminded that their frontages need to be well maintained, taking into account rubbish removal, grass cutting and general tidying.
- Investigations into traffic control for The Module site has now scene the appointment of another traffic controller at the entry/exit to the site. This should now allow greater safety for the pedestrians within the vicinity of the site and the traffic flow along Hannah Street.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to traffic, noise and sediment control. Continual monitoring of the surrounding areas of the building sites is being conducted, and builders are reminded to undertake regular rubbish removal.
Week commencing 21 March
- Reinforcement of shoring walls with anchors and shotcrete application will continue;
- There will be continued monitoring of the Beecroft Road shoring wall, with primary focus on vibration effects;
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 60 truck movements in and out of the site daily.
- The roads used to service ‘The Module’ site have been required by Council to be regularly cleaned, with a substantial clean to be undertaken on Fridays by a hydro-scrubber prior to the weekends. It has been arranged that Hannah Street will be cleaned daily by the site scrubber;
- Council surveillance has continued as a result of concerns raised by residents regarding the use of Copeland Road, Beecroft by heavy vehicles. Councils officers have undertaken surveillance on a number of mornings between 2:30am – 10am with no large trucks, other than those permitted to travel along the road, witnessed during these times travelling along Copeland Road;
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to traffic, noise and sediment control. Continual monitoring of the surrounding areas of the building sites is being conducted, and builders are reminded to undertake regular rubbish removal.
Week commencing 14 March
- Continue reinforcing shoring walls with anchors and shotcrete application;
- Piling along the eastern boundary of the site will be completed this week;
- Monitoring of the Beecroft Road will continue, with primary focus on vibration effects;
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 60 truck movements in and out of the site daily.
- Investigations have been undertaken into concerns raised regarding the use of Copeland Road, Beecroft by heavy vehicles. Council Officers have undertaken multiple surveillance mornings between 2:30am – 7:30am over the past two weeks, and no large trucks, other than those permitted, have been witnessed during these times travelling along Copeland Road;
- A number of garbage trucks were witnessed travelling along Copeland Road during Councils surveillance however it should be noted that garbage trucks are permitted to use Copeland Road if collecting in the vicinity of the area, as are buses. Notwithstanding, Councils Waste Team are currently investigating travel routes of some of the garbage trucks seen to be travelling along Copeland Road in the early hours of the morning;
- Council has given approval to Built (Principle Contractor of ‘The Module’ construction site) to allow trucks to park on site from 6am, until their approved commencement time of 7am. This is being trialled in an attempt to relieve the congestion and parking constraints along Wongala Crescent in the mornings. The trial commenced earlier this week;
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that the builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to traffic, noise and sediment control. Once again, Councils Officer has reminded the builders within the precinct that cleaning of the surrounding area of the sites is to be regularly undertaken, with removal of rubbish and having the grass verge maintained.
Week commencing 7th March
- Continue reinforcing shoring walls with anchors and shotcrete application;
- Recommence piling along the eastern boundary;
- Monitoring of the Beecroft Road shoring wall will continue, with primary focus on vibration effects;
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 60 truck movements in and out of the site daily;
- Excavation works remain on schedule, with targeted substantial completion of these activities by the middle of April 2016.
- Concerns have been raised regarding rubbish being left around the perimeter of the building sites in the precinct. In accordance, Council’s Officer has conducted multiple site visits (2nd, 7th and 8th March 2016) and advised the project managers that regular cleaning of the area needs to take place. Upon these visits it must be noted that rubbish has been minimal and the verge around all of the sites has been maintained.
- Concerns have also been raised around the use of Copeland Road, Beecroft by the trucks related to ‘The Module’ site. Council’s Officer has undertaken early morning investigations between 5 - 7:30am (4th and 8th March 2016) where it has been evident that no trucks associated with this development site are utilising Copeland Road. Upon investigation, it has also become evident and must be made known that the road is being, and will be used by permissible heavy vehicles (garbage collection etc.) when it is required. Monitoring of the road will continue, with regular investigation periods being organised.
- Council has also received concerns regarding the dirt/dust present on Hannah Street outside of ‘The Module’. It has now been organised with the contractor that a hydo-scrubber will be used to clean the road on a weekly basis, or in the event of larger tracking, multiple times weekly. This will be continually monitored to ensure that the road surface has minimal dirt present.
Week commencing 29 February
- Drilling for ground anchors along the perimeter of the shoring walls will continue;
- Reinforcement of the shoring walls and the application of shotcreting will continue this week;
- Continued monitoring of the Beecroft Road shoring wall through regular survey checks and vibration monitoring with be undertaken;
- Piling along the eastern boundary of the site will be completed this week;
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 60 truck movements in and out of the site daily.
- Regarding unlawful road activities, Councils Rangers are still regularly monitoring the precinct for violations. Council Rangers witnessed one vehicle exceeding the road weight limits on Copeland Road, Beecroft and have issued a fine on the driver for the breach.
- Monitoring of traffic routes for the development sites, particularly ‘The Module’, is still being conducted by Councils Officers. Investigations have revealed that there have been a few instances where trucks have not followed their approved traffic routes by travelling along Hannah Street, west of Beecroft Road, Beecroft. Council is currently reviewing the evidence obtained to determine what regulatory action take.
Week commencing 22 February
- With the completion of drilling for ground anchors on the western shoring wall, drilling will now continue along the northern and southern shoring walls;
- Preparation works will continue for shotcreting, however this will be for the northern and southern shoring walls;
- With the preparation works for the western shoring wall completed, shotcreting will now be undertaken;
- Piling along the eastern boundary of the site will be completed this week;
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 60 truck movements in and out of the site daily.
- Concerns regarding unlawful road activities, including the illegal parking of trucks in Hannah Street and trucks travelling along Copeland Road (a weight restricted road), are currently being monitored by Councils Rangers.
- Concerns have also been raised regarding breaches to approved traffic routes used by trucks travelling to and from development sites in the Beecroft Village area. Council officers has spoken to the Site Foremen at these development sites to ensure that they and their contractors are aware of these approved traffic routes. It is important to note that each of the development sites have differing approved truck routes, and as Hannah Street, Beecroft is not a weight limited road, trucks may be entitled to drive along this road. Council officers are currently monitoring the use of streets west of Beecroft Road, Beecroft and where breaches are witnessed by Councils officer, regulatory action will be taken.
Week commencing 15 February
- Drilling for the construction of ground anchors for the western shoring wall will commence along Beecroft Road;
- The western shoring walls of the site will also be prepared for shotcreting;
- Piling along the eastern boundary will continue;
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 60 truck movements in and out of the site daily
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that the builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to traffic, noise and sediment control. Monitoring of the trucks travelling to and from ‘The Module’ site is still being conducted, to ensure that the correct routes are being utilised;
- The development at 7, 7A, 7B & 7C Chapman Avenue and 81 & 83 Beecroft Road, Beecroft has been granted a variation to their approved construction work hours by Council, for an essential structural concrete pour to occur on Tuesday 16th February 2016. Council has approved works to continue until 8pm on this day. Notification letters have been sent out to surrounding neighbours advising of this approved variation.
Week commencing 8 February
- Piling will continue along the eastern boundary of the site;
- The capping beam structure is set to be completed along the Hannah Street boundary. Upon this being completed, the capping beam along the eastern boundary will commence;
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 60 truck movements in and out of the site daily.
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that the builders are generally complying with their development consents with respect to traffic, noise and sediment control. An investigation was undertaken into alleged breaches to approved truck routes to and from ‘The Module’ site, where the use of Hannah Street was being used to connect to Pennant Hills Road. As a result of this investigation, vehicle movements to and from the site are now occurring as per the site’s approved designated routes;
- The development at 7, 7A, 7B & 7C Chapman Avenue and 81 & 83 Beecroft Road, Beecroft has been granted a variation to their approved construction work hours by Council, for an essential structural concrete pour on Monday 8th February 2016. Council has approved works to continue until 8pm on this day. Notification letters have been sent out to surrounding neighbours advising of this approved variation.
Week commencing 1 February
- Piling will continue along the eastern boundary of the site;
- With the piling completed along the Hannah Street boundary, the capping beam structure will now be formed;
- Bulk excavation will continue at the site, with an estimated 50 trucks movement in and out of the site daily
- Upon monitoring of the Beecroft sites, it was concluded that all were generally complying with their development consents, with specific respect to sediment controls at ‘The Module’ site.
Week commencing 25 January
- Piling will be continued along the Hannah Street boundary;
- Due to unforeseeable setbacks, the site sheds will be relocated onto the hoarding along Hannah Street this week
- Bulk excavation will continue, with an estimated 40 truck movements in and out of the site daily
- The site will be closed from the afternoon of Friday, 22nd January and will re-open on Wednesday 27th January
- Upon monitoring of the Beecroft sites, it was concluded that they were generally complying with their development consents with specific respect to sediment controls at ‘The Module’ site. After last week’s investigation into the unloading of materials at the development site on the corner of Wongala Crescent and Chapman Avenue, it has been observed that the work zone area along the site frontage of Wongala Crescent is now being utilised for all deliveries.
Week commencing 18 January
- Piling will be continued along the Hannah Street boundary;
- Due to setbacks last week, the site sheds will now be relocated this week, with their final position being on top of the hoarding along Hannah Street;
- Excavation will continue along the eastern boundary;
- The offsite removal of rubble and excavated soil will continue, with an estimated 20 truck movements in and out of the site daily.
- Upon monitoring of the Beecroft sites, it was concluded that they were generally complying with their development consents with specific respect to sediment controls. Investigation was undertaken into the unloading of materials for the development site on the corner of Wongala Crescent and Chapman Avenue, where it was found that materials were being lifted from Chapman Avenue into the site. Council has advised the builder to use his current permitted work zone area along Wongala Cresecent for future deliveries to the site.
Week commencing 11 January
- Piling is set to be completed along Beecroft Road this week. Upon this being completed, piling along Hannah Street will commence later this week;
- The site sheds will be relocated this week to the top of the hoarding along Hannah Street;
- The offsite removal of rubble and excavated soil will continue this week, with an estimated 20 truck movements in and out of the site daily;
- With demolition works now completed, bulk excavation will commence in the northwest corner of the site
- Last week saw large amounts of rainfall in the Beecroft area, with many sites being rained out. As a result of this, the sites have experienced large amounts of accumulated water in their excavated basements. With weather now improving, this accumulated water is now being pumped out. Councils Officer has been taking samples of the water being discharged and has determined that it is of satisfactory quality. It was also concluded that the sites were generally complying with their development consents with respect to sediment controls.
Week commencing 21 December
- The offsite removal of spoil will continue, with an estimated 25 truck movements in and out of the site daily
- Piling for the basement excavation will recommence now that demolition works have been completed, initially continuing along the Beecroft Road boundary
- The site will close for the Christmas break from Wednesday, 23rd December 2015 and works will recommence on Monday, 4th January 2016
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that the builders have conducted their tidy up of the surrounding site fencing, footpaths, grass cutting and litter removal. The sites have also been found to be generally complying with their development consents with respect to traffic, noise and sediment control.
- The development at 7, 7A, 7B & 7C Chapman Avenue and 81 & 83 Beecroft Road, Beecroft has been granted a variation to their approved construction work hours by Council, for an essential structural concrete pour to occur on Wednesday, 23rd December 2015. Council has approved works to continue until 8pm on this day. Notification letters have been sent out to surrounding neighbours advising of this approved variation.
Week commencing 14 December
- Approval has been granted for Telstra and Optus to temporarily relocate their telecommunication tower during construction. These structures will be placed on top of the Module building when completed.
- Continued demolition of the Module shopping centre building
- Progressive removal of the scaffold on the hoarding as the walls and slabs are demolished
- The offsite removal of stockpiled spoil will continue, with an estimated 20 truck movements in and out of the site daily
- Preparation for piling to recommence along the Beecroft Road boundary of the site
- Monitoring of the Beecroft precinct construction sites found that the builders were generally complying with their development consents with respect to traffic, noise and sediment control. A number of minor issues were identified with respect to site fencing and the footpaths needed to be swept and the verge grass cut and litter removed. The builders will give the street a tidy up this week.
Week commencing 7 December
- The site will be closed to all works from Friday afternoon on 4/12/15 and will re-open on Wednesday, 9/12/15
- Demolition of the Module shopping centre will continue
- The erection of scaffolding to the Hannah Street hoarding will continue
- The offsite removal of stockpiled spoil will continue, with an estimated 15 truck movements in and out of the site daily
- Construction of the shoring wall will continue, with further excavation of the site in preparation for piling operations