

The Roads and Maritime Service is building a motorway that will link the M1 and M2 motorways, taking much of the traffic off Pennant Hills Road.

What is NorthConnex?

The project will involve the construction of twin road tunnels between the M1 Pacific Motorway (Formerly the F3) at Wahroonga and the Hills M2 Motorway at West Pennant Hills. Users will pay a toll and most heavy vehicles will be required to use the tunnel.

For further information and updates on the NorthConnex project please visit https://www.northconnex.com.au/

Updates from NorthConnex

20 October 2017

10 February 2017

17 August 2016

30 June 2016

3 June 2016

1 June 2016

9 September 2015

8 September 2015

14 August 2015

29 July 2015

21 July 2015

17 June 2015

10 June 2015

2 June 2015

26 May 2015

18 May 2015

1 May 2015

What are the benefits?

The new motorway will remove a lot of trucks and other traffic from Pennant Hills Road, making it less congested and safer. Local residents will benefit from less noise and pollution, as the planning conditions include new and extensive safeguards on the operation of the tunnel and air quality. NorthConnex will operate in line with world’s best standards and can be reassessed by the Department of Planning and Environment every five years.

What has been Hornsby Shire Council's role?

Council has long campaigned for this project to take place and is delighted construction will soon commence.

In addition to campaigning Council was actively involved in the planning process, making a submission to the Environmental Impact Statement for the project to ensure the best possible outcome. The submission expressed overall support but raised a number of issues that require further attention. These include:

  • That filters be installed on the exhaust stacks or, at the very least, they be designed in a way that will allow filters to be installed in the future if they are considered necessary;
  • Improvements to surface water treatment to maintain water quality;
  • That further consideration be given to Hornsby Quarry as a site for excess soil to be placed, subject to potential environmental impacts;
  • More analysis of local traffic impacts during construction and that controls be put in place to regulate construction-related traffic.

Council also commented on operational traffic management, heritage, property identification and acquisition, and biodiversity impacts and management.

Related Council Projects

Hornsby Quarry

As part of NorthConnex, the Hornsby Quarry Road Construction Spoil Management Project will provide Hornsby Quarry with excavated tunnel spoil to assist in filling the void. Once complete, Hornsby Shire Council plans to rehabilitate the site to provide a public recreational area benefiting the local community.

Hornsby Mountain Bike Trail

The Hornsby Mountain Bike Trail will be closed until late 2016 while it is being re-aligned to accommodate for the Hornsby Quarry Road Construction Spoil Management Project. We apologise for any inconvenience this temporary closure may cause.

What happens next?

Early work will start in February 2015, with full construction activities scheduled to begin in May 2015 once environmental management plans have been developed. The project is due to be completed in 2019.

Further information

Visit the website www.northconnex.com.au
Project information line: 1800 997 057
Email: enquiries@northconnex.com.au

Sydney's Missing Link

Take a look at this video, created by Hornsby Shire Council in May 2012, which helped convince the State Government to build NorthConnex.