
Galston Village Public Domain Upgrades

artist impression


Council’s Delivery Program 2022-2026 identifies a need for the creation of vibrant town centres in Hornsby Shire, with Galston identified for improvements in 2025/26 to support the local economy and encourage visitation to the Shire. The project is also identified in Council’s Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) for design and construction in 2024/25 and 25/26.

Upgrades to the main street and public domain in Galston Village are planned. A Community Engagement process has been undertaken with exhibition of the draft Public Domain Plan (PDP) and related collateral, illustrating a range of ideas for traffic-calming and public domain enhancements.

The draft PDP seeks to retain the character of Galston Village as a semi-rural and regional attraction, while building capacity for growth and anticipated increased levels of visitation.

Community Engagement 2024

A comprehensive community engagement process was undertaken between Monday 29 April and Sunday 2 June 2024 via Drop-in Sessions, Council’s Have Your Say webpage and briefing to Arcadia Galston Residents Association (AGRA).

The exhibition and engagement sessions were well-attended and valuable feedback was received. In general, support is widespread for most upgrades concerned with making the Village more pedestrian-friendly, providing places to gather, and for more planting and street trees.

As identified below, some key issues emerged through the Community Engagement. These are acknowledged and will be addressed as part of detailed design process:

  • Village Character
  • Vehicle speed and crossings
  • The Glen Street ‘rat run’
  • Parking at the shops
  • Access to toilet facilities.

The exhibited draft PDP is subject to refinement and further assessment for exhibited proposals including:

  • replacement for the widening of all footpaths and improved accessibility to venues and facilities
  • the introduction of safe road crossings, revised parking arrangements, improved roadway drainage and the completion of kerb and guttering
  • street tree planting including water sensitive urban design (WSUD) components
  • landscape works for the delivery of improved public spaces for leisure and recreation.

At the General Meeting on July 10th, Council endorsed the draft Galston Village Public Domain Plan being taken forward for detailed design development and construction documentation.

Council will continue to engage with all key stakeholders as part of the detailed design development process.

Design Update

Council engaged an experienced Design Consultant, CompleteUrban for the detailed design development. Workshops were organised with key community members, Council staff, Consultant and the key stakeholder Transport for NSW (TfNSW) prior to commencing the detailed design.

CompleteUrban have completed 80% of the design addressing the key issues raised by the community where possible and to the required Australian Design Standards and TfNSW specifications.

The 80% design is being reviewed by key stakeholders and feedback due by 17 March 2025. Following the feedback, the drawings will be updated where required and sent to TfNSW for review and approval to progress to 100% design.

Please find the 80% design in the link below in the documents session.

Updates will be provided as works progress through this project webpage.



Anjanee Beechani, Manager, Major Projects
E: abeechani@hornsby.nsw.gov.au
P: (02) 9847 6354

More information

Go to Have Your Say to view other exhibited documents, FAQs and relevant links etc.